T25: The Hanged Man Inn

This grand inn services as motley a collection of thieves, assassins, cutthroats, river scum, and the like as any honest citizen could hope to meet in a lifetime . The outside maintains its splendid appearance, with gold paint splashed over trim, and the walls whitewashed regularly.

Inside, the rugs are threadbare, and it smells more like a river dive than a com fortable club. One can usually find many of the Free City's most important thieves and assassins here, though the inn is occasionally visited by respectable merchants, officers, and even a rare noble. Located in the deepest heart of the Thieves' Quarter, the Hanged Man Inn is considered by the privileged to represent the purest sort of "that Old City atmosphere."

In truth, the inn is primarily owned by the Thieves' Guild, though the ownership is wielded very subty. For the most part, the inn serves to generate legitimate profit for the guild, but it also provides a place for thieves and others to gather without fear of robbery.

For theft is forbidden within the walls of the Hanged Man. Any thief apprehended here (including cheaters at the gambling games often played between customers) is killed on the spot. It goes without saying that these must be non- guild thieves, since the prohibition against theft is universally observed by members.

The manager of the inn is Kymm Warde, a friend and lieutenant of Thieves Guildmaster Org Nenshen. He has no bouncers or other hired muscle because he can always count on 1d10+10 guildmembers in the crowd (levels 2-7) to come to his assistance.

In general, the inn is a safe place visit (though the trip to and from the inn is another matter), but a customer who goes out of his way to be obnoxious or vain will quickly become the butt of practical jokes and ridicule. The abuse grows until the insulted oaf leaves or gets into a fight and gets kicked out.

T25: Hanged Man Inn. The Hanged Man Inn got its start as the old jail for Greyhawk,.in which prisoners doomed to be executed at the Hanging Tree north of the Low Market were kept. It has a bright, whitewashed exterior with gold paint on the trim, making it a remarkable sight. However, no citizen in his right mind will stay here overnight, as the place is known to be overrun with the worst cutthroats and human fiends in the city. Still, courageous merchants, atmy officers, and even nobles come to sample the shady atmosphere. Room rates ate high, but security is said to be tight (though few believe this).

DM's Notes: The Hanged Man is owned and operated through middlemen by the Thieves’ Guild, providing a great source of legitimate income for the thieves. The most notorious thieves, assassins, and other criminals of the Old City are often seen here relaxing, because theft and murder (except as noted below) are strictly banned here. However, anyone caught stealing or cheating at a game of chance is killed on the spot after a swift trial (1d4 rounds). The place is about as safe as any in Old City, with just the right veneer of civilization and finery over the possibility of sudden death.


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