T26: Esteemed Chapel of Norebo

This pleasant sanctuary is dedicated to the god of good luck, gambling, and risk taking. He is much favored of adventurers.

Services are simple, with devotions conducted by the priests whenever a few members of the congregation gather together. These worshipers generally make an offering to the church and then depart.

The offenngs are quickly and magically teleponed to the sect's great sanctuary, high among the distant Barrier Peaks, so there is never much treasure here.

The priests are simple folk. The teleportation is accomplished by means of a small box. a cube about six inches on all sides. Anything placed in the box is moved instantly to the sanctuary, unless it is attached to somethmg outside the box.

Four Priests of Norebo: AC 4. ~JV 6: Pr5; hp 28: THAC0 18: I AT 1: Dmg ld8: Spells: 3 1st, 3 2nd, and 1 3rd

T26: Esteemed Chapel of Norebo. This pleasant little sanctuary is ostensibly the worshipping spot for anyone who likes to gamble or take risks. Norebo is favored by many adventurers, and a visit here is often made by adventuring groups leaving the city on missions, Services are simple, with devotions conducted by the half-dozen priests here whenever a few followers assemble to make offerings, pray, and depart. The chapel sits on The Circle, a round courtyard where five streets come together; it was once used for public meetings.

DM's Notes: The two most popular thieves’ gods in Greyhawk are Kurell of the Oeridians (whose shrine is at T21) and Norebo, the older Suloise deity in this region. Thieves never steal from this chapel unless they belong to rival religious sects, but this risks provoking another disastrous holy war in the thieves’ guild and is avoided — for now. Valuables from this chapel are teleported away to an unknown location by being placed in a magical box about 6 inches square. Most of the clerics here have some training as thieves. Despite Kurell’s shrine in the guild itself, Norebo is generally regarded as the patron of the thieves of Greyhawk.


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