T27: Pawnbrokership of Vesper

This large pawnshop specializes in objects of art and Jewelry, though higher quality weapons and armor (even a 50% chance of a magical item of + 1 or + 2 enchantment) can be found here. Vesper asks a lot for his goods and is inclined to shrug and ignore a bargainer who does not quickly increase his offer.

The value of his stock is in excess of 100,000 gp, though only 20% or so is in readily cartable goods. Like so many businesses in the Old City Vesper's is protected by stone walls and heavy bars over the windows. He even lowers a miniature portcullis behind the only door at night.

But the true defenses of the place lie in Vesper and tus three apprentices. The pawnshop is owned by Turin Deathstalker, Guildmaster of Assassins. Vesper is Turin's nght-hand man, and the three young men are skilled assassins studying under Master Vesper.

Vesper is detailed under "The Assas sins Guild," Ch5 FFF.

T27: Vespet’s Pawnshop. Vesper’s Pawnshop on Snake Street specializes in art objects and jewelry, high-quality armor and weapons, and even minor magical items (sold for hugely inflated prices). The value of all the goods here is believed enormous, but the place has stone walls, barred windows, and (it is rumored) many magical and mechanical traps. The shop is operated by a member of the Directing Oligarchy of Greyhawk — an elf, of all people, named Vesper Lafanel (see S5). It is widely believed that Vesper is not a person to cross, and some whisper that he has connections to hired killers in the city. As a result, only very desperate or insane people attempt to rob his pawnshop. No one has done so in many years and lived to talk about it. Normal people avoid the place like the plague, but wealthy and brave (or stupid) people can find very strange and unusual artworks here.

DM's Notes: Vesper’s shop, co-owned with Turin Deathstalker (see F1), is indeed a front for the Guild of Assassins. When not working on missions, the guildmembers take turns running the shop. It is relaxing business for sociopathic murderets, especially since there is so little business. The shop has only one entrance/exit; there is no secret way out, though the shop is loaded with internal and external defenses. The value of goods here is in the many tens of thousands of gold pieces, and were it not for the certainty of a horrible death awaiting any thief, the shop might be a frequent target. The place is not off-limits to the Thieves’ Guild, and although many have fenced “merchandise” here, a theft has not been attempted in a number of years.


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