T28: Mama Esther's Bakery and Boarding House

This shabby little building is the source of wonderful aromas beginning well before dawn and lasting throughout the day. Mama Esther makes wonderful breads and rolls of all sorts, and even cakes and pies for speoal occasions.

She has four smgle rooms for rent, cheap (1 sp per week). The most noteworthy thing about the rooms is that one of them is rented by Harral Shastri, the Shapechanger (see Ch5 FFF for more details about the Shapechangers).

T28: Mama Esther's. One of the most pleasantly aromatic places in Old City is Mama Esther's, a bakery with a reputation stretching across every part of the Old City. The place is notable because its baked goods are so exceptional, because Mama Esther [CG hf zero-level; hp 2] rents very cheap rooms on the second floor, and because Mama Esther is currently on the outs with the Guild of Bakers, Cooks, and Millers over recently imposed restrictions on the types of goods each baker is allowed to sell on certain days. Mama Esther, acting alone, has decided to completely ignore the guild and bake whatever she likes, so the guild is threatening to picket or shut down her bakery.

DM's Notes: Mama Esther’s most loyal customers include many thieves, thugs, and assassins (though she doesn’t know this, of course), and these customers would be incredibly upset to find her bakery being picketed or mobbed early one morning as they were arriving in a desperate search for a bag of hot berry muffins or sugar-glazed cinnamon rolls, The criminal guilds of Greyhawk will not rob Mama Esther’s under any citcumstances, though there is no restriction against it.


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