T29: Odd House

T29: Odd House. “Odd House” is the nickname given this strange, ramshackle building once used as a government office when Old City was the entire Greyhawk. Some old-timers also call this “Hew’s Place” after a peculiar gentleman who taught music there over a century ago. The gentleman was known to be a close friend of Lord Mayor Zagig Yragerne, and he vanished shortly before Zagig himself. The house has the odd trait of making pleasing musical whistling noises like several flutes when a high wind blows around it. The house is currently inhabited by a large extended family of native Greyhawkers called the Lengles.

From Adventure Begins

DM's Notes: “Odd House” was one of the original dwelling places of the mortal form of the quasi-deity Heward, maker of the legendary Mystical Organ and a variety of miscellaneous magical items. Heward, Zagig, and others of their circle became the most powerful adventuring group known to the world at that time. Keoghtom and Muulynd became quasi-deities and recently were elevated to hero-god status, gaining ptiests and followers. Heward, however, has remained a very distant quasi-deity and is content to explore other planes from a variety of homes and strongholds he has built across the infinite multiverse. Very few in Greyhawk realize the connection between this house and the under-reported Heward, who has not been seen or heard from since 505 Cy, when he joined his old comrades to entrap Juz in Castle Greyhawk.

Heward's old home, now held by the Lengle family, still has active gates within it joined to several strange demiplanes. Possibly, guests of the Lengles might discover these gates by pure accident. The family has already discovered the gates and is very careful around them, but says nothing to anyone else for fear that they will be turned out of their home by the government or by spellcasters wishing to investigate the place. This home would provide an excellent link to the PLANESCAPE campaign, should the DM desire it.


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