T3: Old City Watch Station

This sturdy blockhouse is the center of the City Watch activities in the Old City. It is always garrisoned by an elite patrol of the watch, together with an extra sergeant-at-arms in nominal charge of all watchmen in the Old City. This generally totals, besides this station, about four standard patrols.

See Ch2 FFF for a full description of the City Watch and its patrols.

T3: Old City Watch Station. This station is exceptionally efficient and has a long history of being one of the better-run offices of the City Watch, despite the fact it is in the Old City, which is commonly known to be controlled by the Thieves’ Guild. Because street crime (muggings, pickpocketing, and so forth) is not uncommon in this quarter, more patrols than usual are out and about; four standard patrols and one elite patrol are garrisoned here. The patrols have a very casual attitude about crime, it seems, but they work hard and generally do well.

DM's Notes: Since the huge influx of refugees into Old City in the last decade, the Thieves’ Guild was forced to let the City Watch operate unhindered in most of its work here. In fact, the Thieves’ Guild regularly passes along secret information to the Watch about the activities of nonguild thieves and suspicious foreigners. The Watch reciprocates by allowing some thieves to escape custody or pay fees instead of serving jail time.


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