T7: Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen

See Ch2 FFF for information on the guild and its activities.

T7: Nightwatchmen’s Guildstation. Nightwatchmen assigned to this guildstation consider it hard duty. Thieves run this quarter, and the Nightwatchmen are sworn to defend their charges against intruders, which has led to many pitched battles between thieves and followers of St. Cuthbert. Battles are not always to the death, and thieves are more likely than Nightwatchmen to break and run early, but feelings on both sides are bitter. It has been impossible to mediate any kind of settlement between the Thieves’ Guild and the Nightwatchmen, as the latter are heavily supported by merchants and businesses in the area. A kind of low-level war thus goes on, day in and day out, between these two factions. This guildstation is heavily defended; it has been attacked many times in the last few decades until it is like a small fortress.

DM's Notes: The Nightwatchmen are receiving increased support from the temple of St. Cuthbert in the Garden Quarter. Potions with magical effects are being secretly shipped into the guildstation, to be distributed among the Nightwatchmen on duty. Potions granting infravision are especially being used, as these have long durations of effect thanks to new formulas being concocted by an alchemist hired by the temple. If the thieves learn of this, it will boost the “arms race” considerably.


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