T8: Gold Digger Tavern

This raucous establishment is the primary gathering place for dwarves in the Old City, though many humans and some halflings can be found here as well. Half orcs are usually roughed up if they so much as show their faces. All customers except dwarves are expected to check their weapons at the door. Armor, even chain mail, is not uncommon garb with the guests of the Gold Digger.

The proprietor is Axel Tharnhew, a long since retired adventurer. He is still renowned as one of the great dwarven explorers of the early Flanaess. After being plied with drinks he will often regale customers with centuries-old tales, mostly quite true, of the early days of civilization in the Flanaess.

His chief barmaid is a halfiing matron named Glenda Silvertoe. She presides over the bar while Axel supervises the kitchen and dining room. In the event of trouble, they get 1d6 +6 dwarven fighters to willingly support them.

Axel Thamhew: AC 4; MV 6: F14; hp 104; THAC0 7; #AT 2: Dmg 1d4+10 (dwarven hammer+3 and gauntlets of ogre power)

Glenda Silvertoe: AC 5 (Dex 18 MV 9; T11; hp 35; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg ld6 + 1 (short sword + 1)

Dwarven Fighters: AC 4; MV 6; F5; THAC0 16; IIAT 1; Dmg 1d8+2

The tavern offers cheap rooms and meals. The longest bed in the place is not quite five feet long, however. so most of the sleeping guests are dwarves, with a few halflings sprinkled in. This is a center of demihuman gossip in the Free City.

T8: Gold Digger Tavern. Dwarves, gnomes, humans, and halflings are often found in this raucous, two-story tavern right inside the Highway Gate. Half-orcs and humanoids are wise not to show their faces here. Armor can be worn, and dwarves need not check their weapons at the door, unlike other races. Many dwarves from Greysmere and Karakast come here when in the city. The tavern’s owner is the very aged warrior Axel Thamhew [LN dm F14; hp 104; Con 16; hammer +3 dwarven thrower, gauntlets of ogre power], who came to Greyhawk over a century ago from the Lortmil Mountains, where he struck it rich with a gem mine. Axel will tell anyone who wishes to listen - incredible (but true) tales of valor and daring against the humanoids who once infested the Lortmils, prior to the Hateful Wars that drove them out. Much demihuman gossip is told here.

The tavern has cheap food and rooms, with a superb halfling cook, Glenda Silvertoe [NG #£ T11; hp 35; short sword +1]. However, the beds are very short (most about S feet long), and humans and elves rarely stay over.

DM's Notes: News from the Principality of Ulek is commonly heard and debated here. There is a movement to have Greyhawk and Ulek combine forces to strike at the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj from two directions, pressuring it to withdraw from all seized territory, but this plan has not yet met with the Directing Oligarchy’s approval. A famed gnome noble from Ulek often visits this tavern, and he hires adventurers to strike into the Orcish Empire on various missions to break the back of the humanoid army occupying the eastern half of the principality. The 110-year-old gnome, often remembered for his actions when the dreadful Cult of Vecna arose in 58] Cy in Greyhawk, is Count Imiric von Suss-Varren [LG gm F11 /W12 (illusionist hp 53; Str 16, Dex 17; short sword +1, robe of blending, periapt of proof against poison, many potions and spell scrolls]. He knows most of the Circle of Eight personally, as he was once the henchman of the now-dead wizard Otiluke.


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