Tamek McGloogan

Tarnek is a brutal man who does, however, have a certain rough charm about him. This may have something to do with his 6'6", 310-lb. frame, and the cropped black hair which gives his broad face and glittering green eyes one of those "Insult me and you die" looks. He is a very accomplished fighter-he has fought giants and trolls in the Hellfumaces as a mercenary, and has much action packed into his 31 years.

He is now running the family business, since his father is terminally ill and his brother died on the Nyr Dyv two years ago. He itches for excitement and is happy to go along with the Shapechangers' plans whenever his help is needed. Imogen sized him up as a patsy, but his ability to get things shipped up and out very fast under his business cover makes him ideal for the job. He makes good money at this sideline activity and, when his father dies, hopes to sell his business (which, under his inexpert guidance, is losing money, so the funds from the Shapechangers are vital to him) and go back to beating out the brains of any thing bigger than he is.

Tamek is reluctant to use his magical sword in the city-and since he's so strong (and there aren't any giants walking the streets of Greyhawk anyway), he doesn't really need it. If there's work to be done involving Shapechanger victims who might get rough, Tamek prefers to use his sledgehammer to bash their brains in, and carries a big club at his belt for backup.

AC 3 (chain mail +2 MV 12; F9; hp 95; THAC0 10; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d10 +5 (sledgehammer), 1d8 + 5 (huge club). or 1d8 +5 (broad sword +2, giant slayer Str 18(93), Dex 9, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 15; AL N (NE).

Magical items: chain mail + 2; broad sword + 2, giant slayer.


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