“I hate patrolling the tanneries. I’m tempted to cut off my own nose just to make the smell go away.”

— Cholak, city watch rookie

Social Class: Lower.

Power Center: Never.

Buildings: Temple, poor lodging (2%), poor food (7%), poor trades (60%; tanners, dyers, other trades with associated bad smells), poor services (30%).

Description: This neighborhood looks like any other poor district, though one with a high proportion of workshops, but its stench sets it apart. Here are collected the city’s most odiferous businesses, such as tanning, dyeing, and certain alchemical practices, downwind of richer neighborhoods. Nobody comes to this district without specific business, and most who are not accustomed to the smell linger as short a time as possible. A character entering this dustrict for the fi rst time must succeed on a DC 10 Fortitude save or become sickened for 2d20 minutes.

Plot Hook: Foul-smelling monsters, such as ghasts or troglodytes, have moved into the tannery district, using its stench to mask their own odor. Here they hide, preying with impunity on the populace of nearby districts.


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