Teleportation Circle

This spell is one of the most useful ones to make permanent. With it, you can set up easy, foolproof ways both in and out of your stronghold. This allows an easy means of getting into a stronghold without any apparent entrance, or of escaping when cornered.

For instance, you could set up a teleportation circle to teleport the user from a protected entry point into an air-filled chamber in an underwater stronghold or even from the ground into a stronghold in the sky. Similarly, you could keep a teleportation circle in a small room off your bedroom or main greeting hall to give you a good means of escaping should the need arise.

The only real drawback is that anyone can use the teleportation circle. To guard against this feature, place the teleportation circle in a protected chamber. Such a place could be inside a prismatic sphere or in a sealed, doorless room only accessible through a phase door or some similar means.

Teleportation circles only work one way: from the circle to the designated spot. If you want to travel back and forth between two different spots, you need to set up a parallel pair of circles.

This spell can also form a mean trap. Anyone who steps on it can be sent to any place that you are familiar with or at least have a reliable description of. This destination can’t be into something solid, but it could send a victim deep into the ocean, several thousand feet into the air over a nearby mountain or farm, or even simply into a prison cell beneath the stronghold.

Casting: 2,530 gp (Wiz17) or 2,620 gp (Sor18)

Permanent: 23,350 gp (17th)


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