Social Class: Middle.

Power Center: Often—magical (clerics).

Buildings: Temples (6%; any deities), fine lodging (1%), average lodging (3%), fine food (3%), average food (7%), exotic trades (6%; 1% magic item dealers), fine trades (5%), average trades (10%), fine services (10%), average services (23%), fine residences (5%), average residences (19%).

Description: At fi rst glance, this district appears to be an upper-class residential neighborhood. Many of the towering temples are built of stone, adorned with monolithic pillars and graven images. The surrounding homes and shops belie this fi rst impression, though, since these are rarely fancy or particularly clean. The truly powerful usually have their own priests on staff, and many districts have their own shrines, but the temple district is where most citizens come to pray. People on these streets come from all walks of life, and they are usually dressed in their best (or at least cleanest) clothes. Incense and the sounds of bells and chanting fi ll the air, and funeral or celebratory processions are common.

Plot Hook: By using various charm and nondetection spells, an evil sect has taken over a temple devoted to a good deity. The building’s exterior maintains the public facade of the previous faith, but its inner sanctums now reek with disease and human sacrifice.


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