Temporal Stalker



ORGANIZATION: Solitary or small groups


DIET: Special (see below)



ALIGNMENT:Neutral evil





THAC0: 15



SPECIAL ATTACKS: Level drain; special

SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better magical weapon to hit.


SIZE: Mediuni (6 feet tall)

MORALE: Average (10)

XP VALUE: 1,750

Temporal stalkers are the undead of Ihis pseudo-reality, and a large number of them used to be chronomancers. Since the basis of their existence depends on temporal forces, traveling to reality means instant destruction for Ihe stalkers. They appear to be composed entirely of the mist+smoke of Temporal Prime, condensed down into a near-solid form. Flashes of silver light seem to pulse from within their forms, and twin red giows replace thelr eyes. As they move, a glimpse of their physical body can sometimes be seen through a haze of mist, although this may only be an illusion of some sort.

Habitat/Society: Temporal stalkers exist outside of the normal Temporal Prime ecosystem. They are neither hunted by temporal creatures, nor do they hunt such creatures. Temporal stalkers roam the various timestreams of Temporal Prirne in search of one thing: linear lifeforms intruding upon their realm. Once the mist trail left by a traveler is discovered, a temporal stalker tracks that individual down (unless, of course. the traveier leaves before the temporal stalker manages to catch up wlth him). Temporal stalkers can move just as fast as most chronomancers, and they never have to sleep, so it is rare when they can be outdistanced.

Stalkers have no lairs, and they are beyond the desire for material wealth. The only thing a temporal stalker actuatlly possesses is a deep-seated hatred for linear creatures and a desire to see them destroyed. These evil undead are highly intelligent and know much concerning Temporal Prime, which is one more thing to drive them into anger, since they can no longer use this information. It's no good to them if they can never leave the pseudo-plane and have an effect upon reality.

Of all linear beings, temporal stalkers hate the Guardians the most, as these men and women have the most ettect upon reality of any chronomancers. The jealousy the temporal stalkers feel burns brightly in them, and they somtimes organize small ambushes for a Guardian if they think there is any chance of catching the powerful chronomancer by surprise. This ishardly likely, as the Guardians are well aware of the temporal stalkers and the dangers that they represent to travelers of Temporal Prime.

Despite this hatred that is focused upon them (of which they are sometimes palnfully aware) the Guardians usually choose to leave the Temporal Stalkers alone. Since the creatures can't slip into reality, they are no danger to Ihe timestream. In fact, they act as a kind of weeding-out system. ln the opinon of many Guardians, chronomancers that are too unwary to deal with temporal stalkers are dumb (or at least incautious) enough to present a danger to the timestmam themslves. if the temporal stalkers take care of these bumblers early on, then it may never be up to the Guardians to do so if the fools somehow manage to gain in power.

On the other hand, those that survive an encounter with a group of temporal stalkers have been taught a fine, concrete lesson about the dangers of dealing in time traveling. The impact that this can have is far more effective than any lectuie a Guardian might give.

If there is any hope ol dealing with a stalker, it is through exploiting this weakness to seek the destruction of a Guardian above all else. More than one cunning chronomancer has been spared by a group of temporal stalkers bypromising to deliver a Guardian or two into a trap of Iheir devising— the more Guardians, the better. Of course, several of these deals fell through when the stalkers' victim simply told the Guaaiians of the creatures' plans. As such, the stalkers are more than a little wary of cutting such deals. and gettmg tliem to agree to one takes some doing.

Combat: Temporal stalkers usually hunt alone unless they are after a large group or a Guardian. They track a single individual for monlhs until they are able to catch him someplace by surprise. If there is a small group oi travelers involved, the stalkers wait until one of them seperates out from the others before attacking. A successful hit by a temporal stalker only causes light damnge, but drains ond Level and all the abilities that go wtlh it. Alternatively with Ihe same touch, the stalker can use paradox on a victim, fouling its past. Often it uses tlus to exchange a spell that a wizardly victim has memorized for one thal is entirely useless in the given situation.

If drainud to level 0, the character hecomes a temporal sfalker himself. Mist-smnke begins to swarm around the victim's body until several days laler, most of its physical body is hidden within the shroud. Conipanions of the victim can prevent this transformation by bringing the body back io reality before this new stalker awakens.


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