
Terlisean is an important trading post and supply center located on the Crystal River. Goods arrive in Terlisean by the safer route from the south, along the Willip Road and on to Heldarn. Some goods also arrive here from ships, docked on the riverfront.

Terlisean is an unwalled town, and though hobgoblins and worse lie but fifty miles away it is a relaxed place. Terlisean allows player characters the last chance for simple relaxation before they get the feeling of entering a war zone. The atmosphere here is unlike Heldarn, which has a large garrison and where the feeling of tension is greater.

Terlisean has raffish people among its 1,300 souls. Thievery is hardly unknown, and card sharps, cutpurses and charlatans lurk around many corners in the southern districts of the town. The garrison of 150 is drawn from local folk, and is not exactly a byword for honesty itself. Actual evil is not to be found among ordinary folk, but the Dungeon Master is encouraged to place one or more agents of Iuz here (see the Shadowclaw in the “Characters and Forces” section). Terlisean is a busy trading post, the last place where player characters can buy supplies at the “southern rate” before heading further northwards.


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