The Armies of Gran March

The army of the Gran March is organized into


; units of roughly regimental strength (between 1,000 and 2,000 men, or thereabouts). Most of that force is superb mailed cavalry, but there are some foot used as skirmishers and scouts as well. The army is disbursed throughout the land, but can be marshalled at either Hookhill or Shiboleth in but a fornight’s time at need.

AS of CY 578, the standing army of the Gran March is distributed in the following garrisons. Those on the outer borders of the March send out regular patrols along the border to intercept bandits and monsters who might wish to enter. Those in the interior do so as well, albeit with less frequency unless alerted to some danger. The March relies on its professional soldiery rather than levies as a point of pride, although in an emergency squires and so forth could be put into the field, adding another 1,000 or so medium cavalry, albeit not of veteran quality.

Unless otherwise specified, all cavalry is medium, wears chainmail and shield, and is armed with lance, crossbow, and sword.

• March of Dim Forest


• Forest Watch: 40 cavalry

• Fort Endurance: 70 cavalry

• Barony of Farvale

• Paletree: 20 cavalry

• Orlane: 70 cavalry, 110 light infantry with spears

• Tanner’s Ferry: 25 cavalry

• Tamlin: 10 cavalry

• Willow’s Bend: 30 cavalry

• Guilder’s Folly: 40 cavalry

• Stonebridge: 30 cavalry

• Barony of Malthinius

• Gralston: 200 cavalry, 60 light infantry with slings

• Carern: 150 cavalry

• Barony of Dracus


• Peacekeep: 25 cavalry (part of shared garrison with Bissel)

• Wallsend: 90 cavalry

• Hookhill: 300 cavalry, 110 light infantry with spears

• Ironwall Keep: 40 cavalry

• Tankard: 20 cavalry

• Barony of Harvon


• Buxton’s Crossing: 25 cavalry

• Foredge: 30 cavalry

• Birnham: 110 cavalry, 70 light infantry with slings

• March of Rushmoors

• Fort Tribulation: 235 cavalry, 110 light infantry with slings

• Barony of Cavintus

• Red Arbor: 80 cavalry, 40 light infantry with spears

• Turamil: 50 cavalry

• Holly Hill: 40 cavalry, 30 light infantry with slings

• Munninen: 100 medium gnome infantry with spears, wearing chainmail

• Barony of Proman Shire


• Proman: 300 cavalry, 150 light infantry with slings

• Barony of Shiboleth


• Shiboleth: 500 cavalry, 200 light infantry with spears

• Barony of Dieren


• Lortenford: 90 cavalry, 40 light infantry with slings

• Ghostgate: 20 cavalry

• Barony of Cragmore

• Cragmore: 100 cavalry, 90 light infantry with slings

• Rock’s Face: 20 cavalry

• Topaz Pass: 30 cavalry

• Ander’s Falls: 100 cavalry

• Barony of Manthus


• Traziada: 80 cavalry

• Hammerfall: 30 cavalry, 40 light infantry with spears


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