The Armies of the Duchy of Ulek

With the expulsion of the humanoid menace from the Lortmils, and a friendly neighbor to the west in Keoland, the need for a large standing army has not been a requirement for the Duke of Ulek. He maintains a small but efficient force, which as of CY 578 are as follows:

• 100 heavy cavalry with lance and sword or axe, wearing plate mail and shield

• 150 medium cavalry with sword, axe, or mace, wearing chainmail and shield

• 150 light elvish cavalry with sword and longbow, wearing leather or studded armor

• 200 medium crossbowmen wearing chainmail

• 200 medium infantry wielding bills, wearing chainmail

• 200 light elvish infantry with longbows, wearing leather or studded armor

Half of these troops are quartered in the capital, Tringlee, with the rest spread evenly between Waybury, Winterdorf, Axegard, and Adurlell. The force in Adurlell is known as the


, bears as its symbol a steel beartrap on a green background, and counts as elite troops, having seen much action in the Hateful Wars, and been granted the singular honor by the Duke of bearing its own colors in thanks for its efforts in defeating the uruz in the efforts to conquer the Pass of Ulek.

In addition, the nobles can raise levies consisting of the following can be raised in times of emergency. Ten percent of them are under arms in the various nobles’ possessions at any given time.

• 1,000 light infantry with spears

• 1,000 light elvish infantry with swords and longbows, wearing leather or studded armor

• 400 medium gnomish infantry with spears

Many humans in the Duchy of Ulek are, in fact, half-elven, so if such figures are available, they would be suitable for the Duke’s troops. Otherwise, conventional late middle ages/early Renaissance figures would be appropriate.


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