The Armies of the Free City of Dyvers

The fortunes of the Free City of Dyvers have ebbed and flowed like the tide of the river upon which it sits. A staunch rival of Greyhawk, the city recently increased the size of its military to deal with the influx of monsters and humanoids into the Gnarley Forest from the defeat of the Temple of Elemental Evil, and the increased troop strength remained in place.

The city actually boasts more marines aboard its fleet of 25 warships than it has on land. Fully 1,000 marines man their ships, with half of that number on the lake or river at any given time.

It has been a long time since the full force of Dyvers has been assembled on the battlefield, or summoned to protect the city walls from attack. Fights against pirates and brigands are common, however.

As of CY 578, the city has the following forces at its disposal:

• 140 light infantry with spears and shields

• 300 medium infantry with longbows, wearing chainmail

• 100 light cavalry with javelins and hand weapons, with shields

The marines number 1,000 or so, and are counted as light infantry. Half have hand weapons and half wield spears, all with shields. As noted above, half of these are on board ship at any given time, so the other half would be available to defend the city if some emergency arose.

Late Medieval or early Renaissance figures would be appropriate for the small but professional army of Dyvers.


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