The Armies of the Frost Barbarians

King Hralf came back from his joint military adventure with Ratilk with a knowledge of organized military tactics, rather than the organization based on small warbands that has been the basis of Thillronian barbarian tactics for centuries. Currently, the

king’s army

is organized into four companies of infantry and a troop of cavalry, which has disrupted the traditional organization of around 100 men per longship, but results in the field have convinced most of the warriors of its efficacy. The king’s longships are still a potent force, of course, and his retinue can be moved aboard them as easily as overland.

• Infantry

• 200 heavy infantry with axe or spear, wearing chainmail and shield

• 1,000 medium infantry with spear and shield

• 500 medium infantry with axes

• 250 light infantry with longbows

• 50 berserkers

• Light cavalry

• 150 with axes, wearing chainmail

• 350 with swords and shields

Noble contingents are still organized around the

longship, with 100 men

or so per ship.

• 1,000 medium infantry with axe and spear, wearing chainmail and shield

• 5,000 medium infantry with spear and shield

• 2,500 medium infantry with axes

• 1,250 light infantry with longbows

• 250 berserkers

Fruzti has made inroads with he

local mountain dwarves

, who have pledged to supply the following numbers of troops:

• 1,000 heavy infantry with axe and sword, wearing chainmail and shield

• 1,500 medium infantry with spear, wearing chainmail

• 500 light infantry with crossbows

Fruztii troops are best depicted on the tabletop by Viking-era troops. If a choice of figures is available, the Fruztii would be Danes, as opposed to Swedes or Norwegians. Such distinctions among miniatures are rare, however, and should not be regarded as necessary. For many lines of figures, huscarls are sculpted with armor, while bondis are not.


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