The Armies of the Kingdom of Keoland

The kingdom of Keoland is unique in the Flanaess, inasmuch as it is a major power that does not have an enemy on its borders. With the exception of occasional outbreaks of banditry and brigandage in the hinterlands, and pirate raids on its short coastline, Keoland is at peace.

King Skotti has started a campaign to bring his nominal vassals into a more overtly subservient role. While some fear this might mark a return to the Imperial policies of the past, Skotti forcefully defends his policy, regarding it as nothing more than collecting his due as the de jure liege lord of border states such as Sterich.

In response to the raids by giants and humanoids into Sterich, the king has dispatched an army to assist his vassal, even though such aid was not requested. This army, led by General Hivar Ripthorn (Cav13) and currently wintering in Flen and Godakin Keep, consists of the following, as of CY 578. It has been drawn from the regular forces stationed in the western provinces, as well as a large contingent of levies raised for this purpose.

• 500 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 1,500 light cavalry with spear and shield (200 of these are in Godakin Keep at any given time, as an advance force)

• 3,000 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• 500 light halfling infantry with slings

• 750 light gnome infantry with spears

This army includes the

Grey Ravens

, an elite regiment of 200 light cavalry that distinguished itself some 150 years ago, and which has been honored with its own colors to this day. Their colors are a grey raven on a yellow field, and the unit is known for broad, sweeping flank attacks on enemy units.

In addition, the

King’s Own Valiant Halberdiers

is attached to General Ripthorn’s army. Their colors are three black roundels on a red field, They are noted for pressing any advantage when an enemy retreats. They are 300 men strong. The men of both units are reflected in the numbers above. The remainder of King Skotti’s army remains in its regular quarters throughout the kingdom, with large forces maintained in Niole Dra and Gradsul. The following troop levels reflect the absence of General Ripthorn’s army, as noted above.

Barony of Shelspring

• Shelswake

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 20 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

County of Mandismoor

• Ravonnar

• 20 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 40 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

Barony of Dilwych

• Draconic Imperious

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 30 light halfling infantry with slings

March of Mareman

• Regin

• 30 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

• 30 heavy dwarf infantry with swords or axes, wearing plate mail and shield

March of Sedenna

• Plamton / Feldin Keep

(troops are regularly rotated between the two locales)

• 60 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 40 light gnome infantry with spear

Good Hills Union

• Blacktop

• 20 heavy dwarf infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

• Woodsbridge

• 30 heavy dwarf infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail and shield

• 20 light halfling infantry with slings

County of Kilm

• Kilm

• 30 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

County of Marlbridge

• Marlbridge

• 20 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 40 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

Barony of Mill Creek

• Black Pike

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 20 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

• 50 light halfling infantry with slings

Duchy of Dorlin

• Nirdal

• 50 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 100 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• Dorglast Castle

• 20 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 30 medium infantry with mixed pole arms, wearing chainmail

• 50 light elvish infantry with longbows

• Linnoden

• 20 light elvish infantry with longbows

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded leather armor

Niole Dra

• Niole Dra

• 100 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 300 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• 250 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 100 light elvish infantry with longbows

• 200 light gnome infantry with spears

March of Middlemead

• Middlebridge

• 35 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 100 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

• 150 light infantry with spears, wearing shields

Earldom of Linth

• Segor

• 20 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 40 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 30 light elvish infantry with longbows

• Dredstadt

• 10 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Fortress Garada

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 20 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

Barony of Granforth


• Granforth

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 20 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

County of Cryllor

• Gammel

• 20 light infantry with spears and shields

• Denlock

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 20 light infantry with spears and shields

• Cryllor

• 30 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 40 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 100 light infantry with spears and shields

• 50 heavy dwarven infantry with axes or swords, wearing plate mail

• Pindangoogly

• 60 light gnome infantry with spears

• Sentinel Keep

• 40 light infantry with spears and shields

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• Baransford

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 60 light infantry with spears and shields

• Cryford

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

Barony of West Gate

• Millen

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• Rhiannon Keep

• 30 light infantry with spears and shields

Barony of Raya

• Daerwald

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 20 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chain mail

Barony of Grayhill

• Dourstone

• 10 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 30 light infantry with spears and shields

Earldom of Gand

• Endereisen

• 30 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 30 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Caer Andolyn

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

Duchy of Gradsul


• Gradsul

• 40 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 80 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• 200 light infantry with swords and shields (marines)

• Sanduchar

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 30 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Rawnis

• 10 light infantry with spears and shields

Viscounty of Nume Enor

• Jaedrae

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• 20 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Haven

• 10 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• Lavienth

• 20 medium infantry with halberds, wearing chainmail

The Viscounty of Salinmoor

is much more highly armed than most of Keoland, as it is on the front line of dealing with pirate raids, and the Viscount has been tasked with pushing back forcefully against such. As of CY 578, the Viscount has the following forces:

• Maidenstone Keep

• 30 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded armor

• Nine Oaks

• 20 light infantry with spears and shields

• Burle

• 20 light infantry with spears and shields

• Bale Keep

• 40 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded leather

• 30 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Brinestone Keep

• 20 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded leather

• 20 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Seaton

• 30 heavy cavalry with lance and sword, wearing plate mail and shield

• 50 light cavalry with lance, crossbow, and javelins, wearing padded or studded leather

• 100 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• 100 light infantry with spears and shields

• Saltmarsh

• 20 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail and shield

• Redshore

• 20 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• 40 light infantry with spears and shields

• Splitrock

• 30 medium infantry with glaives, wearing chainmail

• Waverock

• 50 heavy dwarven infantry with axe or sword, wearing plate mail

• 30 medium dwarven infantry with crossbows and swords, wearing chainmail

The Hool Marsh Protectorate

maintains its own force, separate from that of the rest of the kingdom. It is led by Captain Sir Miran Gelt (Cav9), a capable but unimaginative commander. The entire force is based out of Waycombe, and consists of the following Marsh Wardens

(also known as “the Frogs”):

• 60 light infantry with slings

• 100 light cavalry with spears and shields

The Marsh Wardens have a unique uniform of green and brown, and bear the symbol of a brass frog on a green field, giving them their nickname. As with the other nations in the Sheldomar Valley, human troops can be represented by miniatures from the late medieval/early Renaissance era. The light cavalry of Keoland can be displayed with Grenadine or Andalusian troops.


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