The Armies of Veluna

Veluna has but a small standing army, but can raise large numbers of soldiers from its nobles and local militias. As of CY 578 the following forces are available in the Archclericy:

• 1,000 heavy cavalry with hand weapons, wearing plate and shield (knights)

• Knights of Veluna (Knights of the Hart, arms are a pair of golden antlers on a field of black)

• 225 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail and shield (sergeants and esquires) o 80 heavy cavalry with hand weapons, wearing plate and shield (knights)

• The Steadfast Pike: 1,000 pikemen noted for their refusal to retreat in the face of the enemy, who wear the arms of Veluna without the four croissants montant

In addition, the following forces can be brought up in relatively short order in time of emergency, by calling up noble contingents and militias and levies:

• 1,000 light infantry with spears and shield

• 700 light gnome infantry with slings

• 1,000 medium elvish infantry with longbows

• 2,000 pikemen

• 2,500 light cavalry with short bows and swords

• 4,500 medium cavalry with hand weapons, wearing chainmail and shield

• 1,000 heavy cavalry with hand weapons, wearing plate and shield (knights)

In addition, the Viscounty of Verbobonc is technically a vassal of the archclericy, although it enjoys a degree of independence the other high nobles don’t enjoy. The army of Verbobonc is small but efficient, and consists of the following (only a third of this force is maintained full-time; the rest can be raised within a week):

• 150 light infantry with crossbows

• 150 medium infantry with spears, wearing chainmail and shield

• 150 heavy cavalry with hand weapons, wearing plate and shield (knights)

In addition, 1,200 light infantry peasant levies with spears and shields can be raised within a month. Feudal French miniatures would be ideal for the army of Veluna, but any pre-Renaissance western European figures (such as Feudal German or Feudal English) would be appropriate.


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