The Breakers

The Breakers are four Onnwal folk. Three of their original number perished during the conquest of their homeland. Their name is taken from the great waves that once crashed against Onnwal’s sea walls. They work together, or as two pairs, as follows.

Two human LG fighters: F9 Str 18/44 and Dex 16; and F10 Str 18/23, Con 17, Int 15.

Two CG half-elves: 10th-level Specialist Invoker Con 16, Int 18; and F6/C6/W6 Str 16, Dex 16, Int 17, Wis 17, Cha 17. The latter has strong affinities with aquatic elves and knows communities of selkie, dolphins, and like good-aligned sea creatures all around the Sea of Gearnat and its bays.

They can be contacted through appropriate temples- Heironeous for the humans, Boccob for the Invoker, Procan for the triple-classed elf (a cleric of Deep Sashelas who pays respects to the human sea god). This group, and the elves in particular, would prefer any adventure that allowed them to strike a blow against the interests of the Scarlet Brotherhood, but they also seek adventures that offer the chance to acquire powerful magical items (the group is well equipped; the triple-classed elf possesses a ring of shooting stars among other magic, and the other three have items of similar strength).

Since this group will work independently, it allows the DM to strengthen a high-level group that is low in numbers andlor needs powerful muscle or magic, or both.


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