The Calendar

Following is a description of the standard calendar. It is important to note that the Common Year calendar does not have a “zero year.” As a result, calculating the time that has passed since an event prior to the founding of the Great Kingdom is tricky. For example, an event in the year -100 Cy took place 690, not 691, years before 591 cy. Most historians of the Flanaess use other dating systems when talking about ancient history.

The game campaign year is 591 cy. This year is 1235 OR in the Oeridian Record calendar, 6106 SD in the Suloise Dating system of the old Suel Imperium, 5053 Oc in the Olven Calendar, 3250 BH of the Baklunish Hegira calendar, and 2741 FT in Flan Tracking.

The standard week of seven days (based on ancient Flan reckoning) is as follows:
  1. Starday Work
  2. Sunday Work
  3. Moonday Work
  4. Godsday Worship
  5. Waterday Work
  6. Earthday Work
  7. Freeday Rest

A month lasts 28 days, divided into four weeks of seven days each. A year is divided into twelve months, and is further divided into four groups of three months each, each group separated by a week-long festival, for a total of 364 days. The Dozenmonth and the four festivals (in italics) follow:

From Adventure Begins


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