The Common Crypt

This is a labyrinthine network of narrow tunnels, darkened alcoves. and large rooms filled with row upon row of stone crypts. The only known entrance is at the Common Crypt building, area T15.

Bodies buried here are commonly entombed in a wall alcove. sealed with fieldstone, or placed in a large coffin in one of the crypts in the large rooms. Under no circumstances is the body left exposed to the air.

The crypts and catacombs to the west of the building are the ones currently used for burials. Every few years another of the large chambers is excavated. Burial parties pass through here every day or two, and the catacombs are not too dusty, nor inhabited by many creatures of the darkness. Random encounters (roll on on the previous page) are rare, occurring on but a 5% chance (1 on 1d20) per tum.

The old crypts, however, are a far different story. Here very few brave souls tread. Random encounters are twice as likely (5 or 6 on 1d6) as elsewhere in the Undercity.

In addition, certain parts of the old crypt have taken on a life of their own, so to speak. Aided by the nefarious attentions of evil priests over the centuries, the crypt now houses a large number of undead. There is a base 10% chance per hour of PCs encountering these. The chance increases by 10% for every large room between the PCs and the exit.

Characters who persevere with the un pleasant (and certainly not good-aligned!) activity of crypt-plundering stand perhaps a 5% chance per hour of exploring of discovering a crypt with 1d6 x 100 gp equivalent of treasure. If a 01 was rolled, the treasure is a minor magical item.

The following types of undead might be encountered in the old crypt.

Old Crypt Undead Encounters
D6 Roll Encounter
1 2d12 Skeletons
2 2d8 Zombies
3 2d6 Ghouls
4 1d8 Wights
5 1d4 Wraiths
6 1d3 Ghasts


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