The Dead Do Not Rest Easy

Graverobbing is a constant menace in Greyhawk-prevalent even in such a great place as the Free City, because there is no shortage of evil people within the walls and certainly no shortage of corpses. Even for everyday citizens who never get into life-threatening situations, the average life expectancy is not very high-and then there are the unlucky and the impetuous (adventurers, for the most part) who enter the city, or Castle Greyhawk, and never leave ... .

This situation is exploited by Agaran Esiassen, a priest of Incabulos. He has a dual role in Greyhawk. First, he fronts as a merchant who ships arms from Stoink down to Onnwal and Idee for the benefit of those beleaguered lands- except that instead of delivering the cargo where Agaran told the suppliers it was going, his wicked crewmen take their vessels to the Pomarj, arming the humanoids there for attacks on the Principality of Ulek.

When staying over in town, Agaran meets his fellow evil-doers by night and raids the cemeteries (either one), digging up the dead for his nefarious purposes. Agaran animates certain corpses as zombies for shipment to the Pomarj; this is done on the night before a ship's departure. However, he also animates long dead bodies as skeletons for another purpose. Bones are dug up and moved to the warehouse of Selczek Gobayuik, Master of the Embalmers' and Gravediggers' Guild (where embalming fluids, coffins, wood and the like are usually stored). They are then subjected to animate dead by Agaran, and shipped out in coffins to be sold to unscrupulous and wicked folk of Selczek's acquaintance who use the skeletons as guards for personal property, in warehouses, and the like, having been commanded by Agarat to perform guard duties (as instructed by the first person they see upon emerging from the coffins they were interred in).

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