The Dead of the Howling Hills

Set Up

• The PCs are approached in the Vesve Forest by a representative of the Wolf Nomads, who asks them to retrieve the urn containing the ashes of a revered former leader of his nomadic clan. The PCs are offered 500 gp apiece for this work. The Wolf Nomad can provide a map showing the location of the burial chamber.

• The PCs see a merchant selling Wolf Nomad burial chamber treasures and getting good prices for them. They overhear adventurers in a tavern later discussing the most likely origin for the treasures, and one mentions the area in which the burial chambers of Viluisk the Chieftain are to be found.

The Lair

The lair is located toward the northern end of the western range of the Howling Hills. In this area the Wolf Nomads have abandoned the hills to the ever-increasing hordes of human and humanoid servants of vile luz. The DM can expand this adventure considerably by having regular run-ins with patrols of such creatures. Given the evil creatures' typically chaotic nature and indifferent morale, the PCs will not be systematically hunted down. Thus a determined foray into this remote part of luz's land has a fair chance of success.

The PCs find several burial chambers in the area, of differing degrees of complexity. Some are just barrow mounds marked with crude cairns. Others are more extensive mounds that have elaborately carved runes and sigils over the entrances, threatening dire woe to any who defile the tombs. Others are small cave complexes only. In all cases, the PCs are unlucky; the tombs have been looted long before they ever get to them, and they will find nothing of value.

If the PCs have no map, they have to search carefully to find the entrance to the burial chambers (shown on the map). The entrance passage has actually been sealed off with very line stonework that is only detectably different from the surrounding rock within some 40 feet or so, although a dwarf can see there is something different about the patch of rock (the entrance) up to 120 feet away. It takes 10 man-hours to pull away the stones and gain entrance to the chambers beyond; these are entirely unlit.

Terrain: Hills/Subterranean

Total Party Levels: 18 (Average 3rd)

Total gp: 6,110

Monster XP: 8,410

The stone-cut steps leading gently down, and the entrance chamber (Area 1 on the map), have common painted and etched motifs on the walls. These show horse-riding Wolf Nomads, in stylized poses, hunting, fishing, riding forth as if to war, and in similar activities-nothing strikingly original or unexpected.

However, the traditional shield motif of the Wolf Nomads, topped with an ornamental crown made with gilt etched into grooves in the wood, has been inlaid to all the doors in Lhis burial chamber complex, indicating that the person buried here was no ordinary man Indeed. Viluisk was a renowned leader of his people, which is why upon his deathbed most of his entourage were ritually slain so they could make the journey to the afterlife with him. Many have been unwilling to pass from Oerik. and remain here as undead.

Area 2 gives a hint of this. The doors here are unlocked, but are jammed in their frames; It takes two or more PCs with combined Strength of 25 + to open them. Bevond are the four stone tombs of Viluisk's bodyguard, which contain skeletons. These were once trained guards. and the animated bones still have some trace of cunning; they hide beside the doors and leap out to attack. Their opponents suffer a + 2 penalty to the surprise roll. One skeleton has a gold brace let worth 70 gp on its bony wrist, the only treasure here.

Skeletons (4): AC 7: MV 12; HD 1: hp 6, 8. 7, 4; THAC0 19; #AT 1: Dmg 1d6; SD half damage from edged weapons. im mune to cold-based spells, also sleep, charm, hold spells; Int Non-: AL~: SZ 1\1; XP 65 each

A stone plaque above the tombs identifies these bodies as those of "The worthy camp guard of Viluisk the Mighty," in the tongue of the Wolf Nomads.

Area 3 has the rotted remains of wood and carpet on the floor, and on the walls are etched scenes of Wolf Nomads at prayer, their priests adorned with fur-trimmed robes with wolf heads at their belts or even atop the hoods of heavy robes. There are runes on the vestments of the deity Telchur (CN, Winter, North Wind, Cold), which can be recognized as such by a priest PC on a successful Wisdom check (with a -4 penalty). The room was simply an antechamber for short services of prayer for the dead.

Area 4 is the burial chamber of an old servant of Viluisk, Barrorn the Old (and is marked as such by a wall plaque in the usual language). The stone tomb is undisturbed, for Barrorn rests well in death. The secret door to deeper tombs lies directly behind his tomb.

Areas 5 and 6 each contain a richly carved and sculpted tomb, each of which has treasure and an occupant. The occupants are two wights, respectively Anneka (wife of Viluisk) and Jetta (mistress of Viluisk). These two were ceremonially slain beside Viluisk's funeral pyre to ensure that they could not be unfaithful to him after his death. They hate each other fervently and stay in their chambers. They very rarely venture out, and if they do they try very hard to avoid each other.

Anneka and Jetta, Wights: AC 5; MV 12: HD 1 +3: hp 15, 22: THAC0 17: #AT 1: Dmg 1d4 + special; SA energy drain; SD silver or magical weapons to hit, immune to charm, sleep, hold, cold-based spells, poison, and paralyzation: Int Average; AL LE; SZ M; XP 1,400

The wights are hostile if attacked, but otherwise they may (25%) attack, or they may (75%) plead with the PCs to help them slay the other wight instead (and then leave the PCs to do the work, claiming the prize item from the other wight's treasure). The probability of attack Is increased (as the DM secs fit) if the PCs burst in with bright lights, smash down doors, etc. Anneka has a silver neck chain with moonstones and aquamarines worth 1.200 gp, while Jetta has a gold neck chain with lapis lazuli, small pearls. and zircon settings worth 1,400 gp. The tradition, which a wight may tell a conversing PC of, was to bury the wife/ mistress of the chief with her finest single piece of jewelry and best raiment (the latter has long since rotted away).

Area 7 is a false tomb to deceive the unwary. It contains a splendid stone tomb with the appearance of Viluisk the Mighty carved atop it, and the ceiling is vaulted and arched and supported by finely carved stone pillars. As soon as any attempt is made to open the tomb, the pillars in the room crack down the middle and snap. Each PC must roll a Dexterity check. If successful, he escapes in time. If failed, he gets struck by falling masonry and stone for 3d6 points of damage.

Beyond another secret door 1s the chamber (Area 8) of Viluisk 's closest bodyguards, the noyarsk (" home shields" in the Wolf Nomad tongue). These faithful bodyguards are skeletons, but ones of unusual strength: they are turned as wights. They slill have the long swords +1 they possessed in life. This chamber Is decorated with scenes of stiff nomads standing to attention outside a grand tent, with massive destriers beside them, and with similar scenes of guarding and martial prowess.

Skeletal Guards (2): AC 7; MV 12: HD 3: hp 18, 20. THACO 17; #AT 1: Dmg 1d8 + 1 (long sword + 1 SD half damage from edged weapons, immune to cold based spells, also sleep, charm, hold spells; Int Non-: AL N; SZ M: XP 175

Area 9 Is the resting place of Viluisk the Mighty himself. His massive (12 foot-long) stone tomb stands undisturbed behind the locked doors to this chamber. Atop the slone tomb is a copper um, which contains the ashes of his body; this Is held in the brass-shod hands of the recumbent etched stone figure of the warrior himself. Richly sculpted pillars support the vaulted ceiling, and many wall murals and floor mosaics celebrate the fighting life of this long-dead chieftain.

Viluisk still exists, but as a skeletal haunt. His reactions need to be considered carefully by the DM, for he Is a highly dangerous enemy indeed. He does not attack the PCs immediately (unless attacked himself), but rather engages them in conversation. He finally either lets them go or materializes and attacks, depending on their replies to his queries.

If he lets them go, he lets them take the ashes and even 1d3 items of treasure from those listed below. The base chance of him attacking is 50%, with the follow ing modifiers applying:

* + 10 1f the PC addressing him as party leader (he seeks out such a PC) is female

* + 10 if the party admits to slaying either Anneka or Jetta, + 20 for both

* + 10 if the party has looted his tomb

* + 30 if a PC grovels. Viluisk hates grovelers.

* - Half the Charisma modifier of the person talking to tum

* - 10 if the PCs say they have come only for his ashes, to take them back to his people, a further -10 if they can some how give direct evidence of this.

* -10 if a PC stands up, eyeball to eye ball, and talks like a leader and equal. Viluisk admires this.

Add further modifiers as you see fit. Brilliant improvisation ("four people are building a monument to you to rehouse your ashes, to honor your timeless legend") deserves a good modifier, maybe even an XP bonus!

Viluisk the Mighty: AC 2 (place mail + 1): MV 12; F7; hp 50: THAC0 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d10+1 (two-handed sword + 1): SD edged weapons do half damage. immune to charm, sleep, hold, and cold based spells. turned as special: MR 35%, Int Average: AL CN: SZ M: XP 5,000

The treasure still within Viluisk's tomb is a gold neck chain worth l ,500 gp. a pair of platinum arm braccrs with small gem settings worth 1,800 gp, two horns of ivory with silver banding (170 gp apiece), and a ceremonial staff-mace.


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