The Domain of Greyhawk

The Free City rules an area bounded by the Selintan and Neen rivers, extending north to the shores of the Nyr Dyv and east to the border with the Duchy of Urnst in the Cairn Hills. In addition, the lands south of the Neen River, to the Abbor Alz, are ruled by the Despotrix of Hardby, who pays tribute to Greyhawk and can call for military assistance should this be needed.

The Free City maintains a garrison force in the Grand Citadel and also a force in the Cairn Hills. The garrison force is 350 men, tncluding the following troops: 180 infantry (80 Fl. 100 F2) 100 archers (50 Fl. 50 F2) 55 cavalry (25 Fl, 30 F2) 15 troop leaders (lieutenants and ser geants, each F3 to F6)

These soldiers have equipment as appropriate: long swords or broad swords, plus halberds or pikes, for infantry; composite longbows, crossbows. and swords or axes for archers; and so on. Chain mail is the preferred protection.

This force is technically commanded by Nerof Gasgal, although Sental Nurev is the day-to-day commander of this force. The garrison is not large, since Greyhawk has suffered no military threat for many years, and should such a threat appear the Free City has ample funds for procuring mercenanes-and there are plenty within Greyhawk at any given time. In extremis, conscription may be used, and members of temples and the Guild of Wizardry can be called upon to defend the city.

The force in the Caim Hills consists of six garrisons, in various locations, each of 21-40 infantry (fighters of levels 1-3 who have bow proficiencies also) with a leader fighter-type of level 4-7, plus 1-2 priests of levels 1-6 (typically clerics of warlike deities such as Heironeous) and a 50% chance of a mage of level 3-7. These troops offer protection to the miners in the hills, and frequently go out culling monsters and humanoids. The force is under the command of Tigran Gellner, who occasionally rides to the Free City to make detailed reports to the Directors about events in the Cairn Hills. Since he may be used to commission PCs for assistance or an adventure in the Cairn Hills setting, stats are given for him here.


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