The Doomgrinder

This extraordinary edifice towers over a small valley, standing on a plateau outcrop. The valley is very fertile, with unusually rich plant life, but few dare enter it. The presence of the forbidding Doomgrinder is intuitively shunned by almost all creatures of the hills.

The Doomgrinder is a massive windmill, some 80 feet high, made entirely of stone, including its sails. It is obvious that magic maintains its structure, and it radiates magic and evil strongly if detected. Its sails move one degree at a time at unpredictable intervals (once every 10-50 years). This movement is generally accompanied by a ferocious lightning storm. Legend has it that the Doomgrinder is counting down the years to a major cataclysm as great as the Invoked Devastation. One of its sails is now but two degrees away from its zenith, and some say that when that sail moves to that point, the end will be at hand.

Who built this colossus is entirely unknown. What is known is that the building has no obvious entrance and is entirely resistant to magic (passwall, stone to flesh, etc.) that would destroy the structure. Reports of evil dao filter back from the surrounding hills from time to time, as do tales of wondrous magical treasures secreted within the mill. Dwarves believe that derro dwell beneath it, so they avoid the place.


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