The Fellowship in Greyhawk

Currently, Kiri and Marie have set up home together, with a room set aside for Nastassia. Nastassia herself moves between the temple of Rao, the Guild of Wizardry, and this house. Fischer lives above his shop. Geren is often back with his ranger friends, but less so than before, and when in the city he takes lodgings in a variety of hostelries, usually in the Thieves' or River Quarter. He dislikes a settled home or a regular place to stay.

The party is now actively looking for adventure, although Kiri (due to her extreme longevity and the different attitude to life, and haste, this brings) and, to a lesser extent, Fischer, are not so bothered as the rest.

Nastassia spends her everyday tife mostly in prayer and study, enjoying an odd evening at the theatre or some such place. She has a greater fondness for good cuisine than she is ready to admit, too.

Marie is the most bored of the group, and has taken to indulgence in gambling, which alarms the others and gives them a good reason for seeking adventure again! Kiri has plenty to do with her priestly and wizard skills, and elves think little of spending an entire week daydreaming and fantasying anyway.

Fischer is sufficiently well thought of in the Thieves' Guild to be employed as a trainer for juniors, and has made many friendships with lower-level thieves by virtue of his goodnaturedness, informality, and his ability to make juniors enthusiastic about their work. He also tells outrageous tales about his adventures. The number of evil monsters he has fought tends to be multiplied by about five when Fischer retells stories which are true in essence. Wide-eyed young apprentices love this storytelling, and maybe Fischer's old ambition to become a bard was not wholly misplaced.

Geren spends the time when he is in the city having his armor and weapons repaired, talking and drinking with river men, exchanging tales with other adventurers in the Green Dragon Inn (where he is always delighted to meet a fellow ranger), and making trips out of town to the shrine of Ehlonna set in a small wooded area east of the city.


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