the Final Resting Place of Dorshak Krane

Set Up

* The PCs are contacted by members of the Jewelers' and Gemcutters' Guild and offered 50 gp each, plus expenses, to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Dorshak Krane, a member of the Guild.

* A representative of the Guild of Lawyers and Scribes offers the PCs 500 gp to find and recover the deeds of ownership of a house in the Artisans' Quarter.

* Agents of the Greyhawk Revenue Service offer the PCs 250 gp to determine whether Dorshak Krane still lives or has indeed passed to the great counting house in the sky. Either way, no formal death certificate has yet been issued and there are still taxes to be paid!

In all three cases above, the PCs are advised by their employers to begin their investigations at Dorshak's mansion in the Artisans' Quarter.

Dorshak Krane, Zibber, and Dophdar

Dorshak Krane was probably the meanest, greediest, and most miserly of all the dwarves who have called the Free City their home. Dorshak was a gemcutter of incredible skill and artistry, an exceedingly wealthy dwarf, and a major shareholder in the Habendorf amethyst mine in the Cairn Hills. Yet he was still incredibly mean. True he had a large house, a mansion even, in the Artisans' Quarter, but he dressed in rags and his fellow members in the Jewelers' and Gemcutters' Guild used to estimate that his total expenditure per year probably never exceeded a single gold piece!

Two months ago Dorshak failed to turn up at the Guildhall where he was due to put the finishing touches to a large fire opal. A delegation from the Guild subsequently broke into the house to find that Dorshak had disappeared without a trace. By order of the local magistrate the house was boarded up until either Dorshak or the deeds of ownership to the building were found.

In fact Dorshak is still in the building and very much alive although totally insane. Dorshak's intense fear of thieves has caused him to retreat into his secret room in the attic to mount a round-the-clock guard on his riches. Dorshak now sits in this room endlessly counting and recounting his fortune and gibbering quietly to himself.

A week ago, Zibber and Dophdar, a pair of gnome twins, broke into the house and took up residence in the cellar. Lured by the fact that Dorshak 's fortune had not been recovered and believing that it was probably still concealed somewhere in the house , they have spent the past nights searching the house, fruitlessly so far. To cover their activities they have used their powers of illusion to create the impression that the building is haunted.

Zibber and Dophdar, gnome twins: AC 6 (ring of protection + 2, Dex bonus MV 12; 16; hp 20 each; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 (dagger) or 1d3 (dart Str 10, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14; AL CG; SA spells; SD spells; XP 975 each;

Spells: Zibber: audible glamer, dancing lights, spook, wall of fog, blindness, improved phantasmal force, invisibility. wraithform; Dophdar: color spray, hypnotism, phantasmal force (x 2), alter self, fog cloud, invisibility, spectral force.

Zibber and Dophdar are twins, both 3' 8" tall and weighing 84 lbs. Since birth they have done everything together.

The twins will use their spells to scare people off rather than hurt them. In fact, they do everything they can to avoid actual combat and will surrender if either of them is hurt.

Terrain: City of Greyhawk

Total Party Levels: 12 (Average 2nd)

Total gp: Variable

Monster XP: 2,280

Dorshak's Mansion

Room 1 is the main entrance hall. Like most of the rest of the house, this area is devoid of furniture. Broken stained-glass windows from this area look down into this hall. If the PCs enter the hall, see the notes on room 9.

Room 2 is the kitchen. Old rusted cooking utensils lie discarded in the hearth.

Room 3 is the great hall where former owners of the house used to do all their entertaining (completely unused since Dorshak took up residence). The floor here is just bare boards; tattered, faded drapes cover the windows that look over the garden to the rear. The shaded area of floor is rotten and will collapse if any PCs tread on it. The drop is only a foot or so, but five gjant centipedes have taken up residence under the floor and will attack any intruding feet.

Giant Centipedes (5): AC 9; MV 15; HD ¼; hp 2 each; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg see below; SA weak poison ( +4 bonus to saving throw Int Non-; AL N; SZ S; XP 35 each

Room 4 is Dorshak's study. The walls are lined with empty shelves.

Area 5 is the kitchen garden, now completely overgrown and neglected.

Area 6 is the ornamental garden. Like the kitchen garden, this area has also suffered many years of neglect. The garden is surrounded by a ten-foot wall.

Room 7 is the storage room for the kitchen. The room is lined with large empty barrels. The door to room 8 has been barricaded-apparently fairly recently. The hearth shows signs of recent use.

This room is Zibber and Oophdar's base in the house. They have constructed crude pallet beds in two of the barrels and have used a third for storage. By day both the gnome twins are asleep in their respective barrels. They rise at dusk and cook food on the hearth before beginning the night's search. The storage barrel contains a week's standard rations for two, a grappling hook, 50 feet of rope, a bull's-eye lantern, and ten flasks of oil.

Room 8 contains the well and sewer outlet for the house. Zibber and Dophdar barricaded the door to keep out the giant rats that now lair within. The giant rats will attack intruders.

Giant Rats (8): AC 7; MV 12; HD ½; hp 3 each; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1d3; SA disease; Int Semi-; AL N(E SZ S; XP 15 each

The giant rats have accumulated a small amount of treasure in their nest: 22 gp, a gem worth 50 gp, a tattered elven cloak and a ring of warmth.

Room 9 is the gallery that overlooks the entrance hall (Room 1). Broken stained-glass windows look down onto the hall and stairs below. At night Zibber stands guard here, watching the stairs and hall, while Dophdar searches the rooms. lf Zibber spots intruders, he casts audible glamer, creating the sound of clanking chains and ghostly wailing from the direction of Dorshak's study (Room 4). This spell serves a dual purpose, first to divert or distract the intruders and second to alert Dophdar. Dophdar now joins Zibber here so that they can mount a concentrated offensive on the intruders and try to dissuade them from venturing farther. Their main concern is to remain out of sight and keep intruders at a distance-they don't really want to tight anyone.

Room 10 is a stoeroom and contains nothing other than a few large crates full of moldering bed linen.

Room 11 is the old guest bedroom and is typically completely unfurnished.

Room 12 is the servant's room but was actually the room that Dorshak lived in to the exclusion of all others. The room is crammed full of wrecked furniture and materials retrieved from the Free City's garbage dumps. Dorshak's rough horsehair mattress lies by the fireplace. A concealed trap door in the ceiling (undiscovered as yet by the gnome twins) leads to the secret attic above.

Room 13, the master bedroom, has been unused since Dorshak took up residence.

Room 14 is the secret attic. The hearth contains the secret and trapped entrance to Dorshak's secret treasure chamber. The trap in the fireplace has been rigged so that it can be activated from inside his secret chamber. When Dorshak becomes aware of anyone in the attic, he will use his secret spyholes to keep track of intruders. As soon as anyone ventures into the fireplace to search , he will pull the lever activating the trap. When activated, a steel shutter slams down sealing off the fireplace, effectively trapping the intruder in the chimney. The base of the shutter is sharp enough to sever ropes. The stone at the base of the hearth then slips away, dropping the trapped investigator down a 30-foot-deep shaft (3d6 points of damage, successful Dexterity check for half damage) . Dorshak then begins to rant and rave, bellowing out all manner of colorful and extravagant curses.

Room 15: Once activated, the shutter in the fireplace remains closed, so the PCs must find some way of bypassing the shutter. The shutter can be forced open with a successful bend bars/lift gates roll. Once the shutter is removed, Dorshak bursts out of his room and attacks the PCs. Zibber and Dophdar disappear down the trap door and out of the house, screaming loudly.

Dorshak Krane: AC 7 (Dex 17 MV 6; HD 1; hp 8; THAC0 18; # AT 3; Dmg 1d3/ 1d3 (hands) and 1d2 (bite Str 12, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 6; AL N; SD save as F4; XP 35

Never the most presentable of persons at the best of times, Dorshak is completely covered from head to toe in thick dust and cobwebs, with wild hair and a thickly matted beard. In fact, Dorshak appears as if he could quite easily have spent several weeks in a coffin. Dorshak has two rings of sustenance to heJp him endure during his vigil.

Dorshak's fingernails have grown extremely long (hence the "hand" attacks) and Dorshak is quite mad enough to bite the "thieves" who have come to steal his treasure! All three of Dorshak's attacks must be directed at the same target. Dorshak fights to the death if the PCs cannot find some way to restrain him.

In Dorshak's secret treasury there is a total of 1,000 pp, 8,000 gp, 12,000 sp, and a chest of 30 gems worth 500 gp each. There are also three scrolls, the first being the title deeds to the mansion, the second his share certificate for the Habendorf mine and finally a blank scroll trapped with explosive runes.


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