The Gran March

The Gran March: Furyondy’s relations with Ket place Belvor in a difficult position when dealing with the Gran March. The Gran March’s ambassador, Sir Shalden Kerreck, is very influential, not just in Gran March but also in the Ulek states, who are friendly to Furyondy. Shalden makes no bones of his dislike of Furyondy's acceptance of the annexation of Bissel as a fait-accompli, The Gran March is home to many Bisselite exiles, and there is a strong desire to see Bissel free again. Belvor has to work hard to reassure Shalden privately that freeing Bissel is a long term goal, but that both nations’ current interests lie elsewhere. Usually, he unfolds a map of the Flanaess and points out the relative sizes of Bissel and the other lands lost to Iuz during the wars. The point is well taken. Generally, relations between the states are good.


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