The Great Kingdom Awakens

Despite their anxiety about Aerdy, the Nyrondese had begun to take steps against the Fists pillaging the Duchy of Tenh. Nyrond moved troops into the Phostwood and attacked to the north. While they advanced some, their losses against the determined Fists were higher than expected, and the army could not continue its advance so far from Nyrond borders. Nyron- dese caution was wise. Aerdy struck south, west, and southwest.

To the south and southwest, Aerdi forces attacked the states of the Iron League; to the west, they moved through Almor and on toward Nyrond. Almor was swiftly subdued, but under tne legendary Commandant Osson, one Almor- ian army led the Aerdi forces in a merry dance by moving through Ahlissa, Sunndi, and even into Medegia before its daring but ultimately pointless deed was put to the sword.

The winter brought respite on the field of war and time for desperate diplomacy. The Iron League allied with Nyrond, its old protector, but suffered immediately from a startling secession from its own ranks. Prince Lathac Ranold of the Lordship of the Isles was replaced by a distant cousin who at once announced his support for the Scarlet Brotherhood. Too late, their machinations began to dawn onb the beleaguered forces of good. And Nyrond had anothyer threat to contend with: the Bone March humanoids skirmished with Ratik and Nyrond itself.

To the west, matters appearea more secure. Realizing the true threat of Iuz, the southern states allied in signing the Treaty of Niole Dra, which brought together Keoland, the Yeomanry, the Gran March, and the Duchy and County of Ulek. Even isolationist Celene agreed to send a token force to join with the others in assisting Furyondy. Yet Iuz himself had not been idle, and while his overtures to Perrenland proved largely fruitless, he was welcomed in the western Baklunish land of Ket. Its rulers saw the chance to annex the fertile lands of Bissel and to secure a southern bulwark. Iuz saw the opportunity to divide the forces of the southern lands. The spring of CY584 brought a renewal of hostilities and abundant bloodshed.


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