The Guild Library

The library of the Free City's Guild of Wizardry is purported to be the finest collection of magical tomes in Oerik. Among the many and varied scholarly and studious volumes on the magical arts are rumored to be the spell books and notes of Zagig the Archmage. The library itself is a vast, windowless hall filled with rank upon rank of shelves that stretch from floor to ceiling and groan beneath the weight of many centuries of accumulated magical knowledge and theory.

While the library's collection of spellbooks contains every single spell yet known to mankind (and maybe even a few long forgotten among the thousands of books), wizards cannot simply wander in and start copying them down. Guildmembers will only be allowed access to a particular requested spell after the request has been approved by a senior guildmember- and in the case of spells of greater than 4th level power, with the additional consent of Guildmaster Kieren Jalucian himself.

In addition, a charge will be levied for each spell to be copied. The cost will vary from 100 gp to 1,000 gp per spell level, depending on the member's standing within the guild. Guildmembers who contribute actively to the guild by supplying components, additional magical items, and the like will pay less; members who merely visit now and again to use the facilities of the guild will pay more.

The library is officially closed at dusk and opened at dawn (although this is obviously not the case for the most senior guildmembers). The collection is watched by 8 beholders, which have been magically domesticated (a forced align ment change) and rendered invisible. Each creature has been assigned a section of the library to guard, and it will do everything in its power to prevent any damage or theft of the books in its area of responsibility. The beholders do not ordinarily communicate with one another, so as not to disturb Jawal Sevemain, the librarian, and generally know best to just leave him to his studies.

Beholder custodians

AC 0/2/7; MV Fl 3 (B): hp 55 each: THAC0 9: #AT 1; Dmg 2d4; SA magic; SD anti-magic ray; AL LN.


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