The Militia

Many references to the Greyhawk militia are made in the Atlas. In special cases (the Moun- taineers, Water Rats, etc), detailed statistics will be given, but many references are made to “ge- neric” militiamen. The following three profiles may be used for such militia:


AC 4/3 (chain mail and shield, 50% chance for Dex 15 MV 9; F1; hp ld4+5; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type + 1 (usually carry club for1d6, broadsword for 1d8, or light crossbow for 1d4 Str 16, Dex 14/15, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10; AL varies (nonevil, tend toward lawful).

Junior Sergeant

AC 4/3 (chain mail and shield, 75% chance for Dex I5 MV 9; F2; hp 1d10+7; THACO 19/ 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type +1 (usually long sword for 1d8, halberd for 1d10, or light crossbow for 1d4 Str 16 (50% chance for Str 17), Dex 14/15, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, Cha 12; AL varies as above.


AC 3/2 (chain mail + 1, Dex 15, shield some times used MV 12; F3; hp 2d6 + 14; THAC0 17; #AT 1 ; Dmg by weapon type + 1 or more (usually long sword for 1d8, halberd for 1d10 dagger for 1d4, or composite long bow with sheaf arrows for 1d8 Str 17(25% chance for Str 18; roll for exceptional Str up to 18/50), Dex 15, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12. Cha 12; AL varies (never evil or chaotic)


(per 20 men): F4-6, exceptional ability scores and 1d3 magic items.


(per garrison): F7-9, exceptional ability scores and 1d4+1 magic items.


(per garrison): C4-7 (45% St. Cuthbert, 40% Heironeous, 10% Pholtus, 5% Mayaheine), 1d3 magic items.

Combat Mage

: W5-9 (50% invoker, 25% general mage, 25% other), 1d3 magic items.

The Greyhawk Militia’s Cairn Hills patrols include 2d4+6 fighters (1 sergeant-at-arms, 2 junior sergeants, other men-at-arms). All are armed and equipped as noted above. Some patrols are mounted.

The Mountaineer Militia at Storm Keep keeps watch over the Abbor-Alz. Patrols include ither 1d2 griffon riders (each F3—7 in leather armor, with a short bow, two javelins, a dagger, and a ring of feather falling) or 2d4+8 fighters (2 sergeants-at-arms, 2 junior sergeants, others men-at-arms). All are armed and equipped as noted above, except for using long composite bows, having Con 13, and special nonweapon proficiencies (endurance, mountaineering, and similar). Magical potions might be available.

Gnarley Forest patrols include 1d6+9 men and women (1d2 sergeants-at-arms, 1d2 junior sergeants, others men-at-arms). Leather armor used instead of nonmagical chain mail; spear and short bows used; 50% chance each of a ranger (level 2-4) and priest (level 3—S, usually of Ehlonna).

Narwell Headhunter patrols seek out bandits and escaped criminals around the northern Wild Coast and Gnarley Forest fringes. Each patrol is mounted on horses and consists of 2d4+10 people of greatly varying abilities (rangers, thieves, fighters, and occasionally a cleric or wizard, levels 3-7).

The Hardby Marines wear leather armor and use swords, cutlasses, daggers, knives, hand axes, clubs, pikes, and other ship-to-ship combat weapons. They are all fighters (25% Ist-level, 40% 2nd-level, 25% 3rd-level, 10% 4th-level, with leaders of levels S—9). Each ship has a wizard (level 1d4+5) and priest (level 1d4+5). Non-chaotic alignments are dominant; ability scores are usually Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14.

Many locations described in the atlas are stated to have “permanent garrisons.” This means there is almost always a contingent of the type and numbers specified, but individual militiamen are rotated from place to place. Morale tends to be superior when youthful men-at-arms get the. chance to travel around, rather than being stuck in a place like Two Ford for a two-year stint.

Enemy forces include bandits and marauders such as the Cockatrice Riders of Pascorel, orcs and other humanoids in various raiding parties from the Orcish Empire or Blackthorn, bands of lizard-man hunters, ogres, and so forth. These can be created by the DM as desired.

City Watch

Men-at-arms, junior sergeants, and sergeants-at-arms are as per the Greyhawk Militia, above. In addition, there is the deputy constable:

Deputy Constable: AC 1/0 (chain mail +1, Dex 16, 50% chance of shield MV 12; F5; hp 35-40; THACO 14/13; HAT 1; Dmg by weapon type +3 (long sword +1, light crossbow, halberd, mancatcher, or quarterstaff Str 18 (01-00), Dex 16, Con 17, Cha 14+; ML 14+; AL non-evil, non-chaotic, usually LG/LN. Magic potions are often possessed, with a magic ring or miscellaneous item.

A standard patrol group has 1d4+3 men-at-arms (50% chance of junior sergeant). An elite patrol group has 1d4+4 men-at-arms, 1d2 junior sergeants, and a sergeant-at-arms. A special patrol group (used only in grave emergencies) has six sergeants-at-arms, two deputy constables, and Constable Derider Fanshen, with one wizard (level S—8) and one LN/LG cleric (level 5—8).

Guild of Nightwatchmen

The Guild of Nightwatchmen supplements the City Watch in the hours of darkness. This guild is privately funded, largely by the church of St. Cuthbert but also by private citizens, shops, guilds, or temples that feel the need for extra security at night. The Nightwatchmen (being almost completely drawn from the followers of St. Cuthbert, and checked for lawful, nonevil alignment) have a superb reputation with everyone except criminals. They can detain criminals but have no powers of arrest, and so work closely with the City Watch. The Thieves’ Guild was on the verge of open war with this guild long ago, but this was averted when the Thieves’ Guild changed its own routines and became far less of a threat to and target of the Nightwatchmen. Now, thieves merely try to stay out of the Nightwatchmen’s way, and a lot more gets accomplished.

Guildmembetr/Torchbearer: AC 7 (studded leather under tabard MV 9; Fl; hp 1d4+5; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type (ranseur or short sword Str 15; AL LG/LN.

Torchbearers carry torches, lanterns, or magical lights instead of ranseurs; they are to avoid combat if possible.

Sergeant: AC 4 (chain mail under tabard, shield MV 9; F3; hp 1d8+20; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type (long sword Str 16, Con 16; AL LG/LN.

Darkman: AC 3 (chain mail under tabard, shield, Dex 15 MV 9; F2; hp 1d6+10; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type (short sword Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16; AL LG/LN. Darkmen are almost always demihumans (80% gnomes, 15% dwarves, 5% half-elves or halflings) with infravision out to 60 feet.

The smallest unit of Nightwatchmen is an escort of one guildmember and one torchbearer. A guard unit consists of two guildmembers, a torchbearer, and a darkman. A street patrol has five guildmembers, two torchbearets, a sergeant, and a darkman, with a 33% chance of a cleric of St. Cuthbert (level 2-4).

The guildmaster is 73-year-old Sir Gavin Ambus [LG hm F13; hp 91; Str 17, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 16; two handed sword +2], once an officer in the Greyhawk Militia and an extremely popular figure in the city. His many connections with the most powerful and lawful figures around also caused the Thieves’ Guild to simply lay lower than before instead of getting into a full fight with the Nightwatchmen. Sir Ambus lives near the Temple of St. Cuthbert.

From Adventure Begins

People’s Constables

This group of minor law enforcers was established following a suggestion by the Inspector of Taxes, Glodreddi Bakkanin, in 575 cy. About 200 young males and low-level thieves (T 1-2) are employed by the Directing Oligarchy, each for a yearly fee of 10 gp and references (never checked). The People’s Constables enforce the laws against minor crimes such as obstruction of streets, threatening language, slander against common persons, unlawful disposal of garbage, creating an offensive odor or noise, and so forth. Also, there are a large number of trivial Jaws that were put on the books by Zagig Yragerne during the last stages of his madness, circa 400-420 cy. These laws are each quite absurd (for example, it is forbidden to “fondle” [carry] a duck on the Processional) but are enforced. Fines for these minor offenses range from 1 cp to 10 sp.

The People’s Constables work in the Old City but have expanded their activities in recent years into the “middle city,” particularly into Clerkburg and the Artisans’ Quarter, They carry leather armor, daggers, and sometimes short swords, so they never pick on better-armed persons than themselves. They travel in groups of 1d4-1, usually traveling alone to pick on defenseless persons. The People’s Constables are hated by most citizens, but because the Constables are careful about picking their victims, few complaints reach a level the Directors feel must be addressed — and the Constables do bring in good revenue for the city.


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