The Orcish Empire

Only a small sliver of this domain is shown on the campaign map. What is provided here is a sample of the evils the orcs have created in the southern Wild Coast lands. While the northern border of the empire can be considered the southern end of the buffer zone, this is mutable, as is the western border, which merges into the Welkwood. Within the Welkwood, east of the Jewel, elves, orcs, and bandits vie for control; the land for 15 miles south of Castle Mastryne, however, remains the fief of its dark lord.

In general, orcs are relatively well-disciplined in their own territories. The orcish war leader who is based at Cantona exercises control through the priesthood of Gruumsh, which he has smartly placed in control of individual warbands within his area of control. Raiding bands are allowed to do as they please, but are usually allowed to operate away from their bases only for a few weeks at most.

The war lords of the orcs have, as yet, no concerted plans for striking farther north, because most of Turrosh Mak‘s efforts are currently directed toward Ulek. The work of raiding parties thus tends to be somewhat haphazard. The buffer zone and the southeastern Welkwood are the preferred territories for raiding and pillaging.


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