The Pact of Greyhawk in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Pact of Greyhawk

This pact led to a formal cessation of hostilities between Iuz, FuryondylVeluna, Keoland and al- lies, Nyrond and Urnst, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and a representative of Ivid the Overking. Those not included were the humanoids of Pomarj and Bone March, Ratik, the barbarians, other Aerdi rulers, and the exiled leaders of vanquished lands.

The global political picture regarding accepted boundaries is reflected in the world map, of course, Free trade was permitted, in theory, be- tween states and nations, but distrust has mini- mized it. Of course, certain powers wrung their hands at their inability to control the enthusiasm of certain rebel mercenaries, humanoids, or par- tisans within their lands. These powers ex- pressed their deep regrets at not being able to wholly prevent skirmishes from within their lands (Iuz’s representative feigned especial regret at this), so peace is not exactly complete.

As far as the Free City is concerned, the major change produced by the Pact is that permanent ambassadors of the major signatories are now resident in the Free City. In theory, this is to al- low any breaches of the Pact to be discussed by these representatives on short notice; this stipu- lation in the Pact was at the insistence of the Scarlet Brotherhood, masters of intrigue and es- pionage. Nerof, of course, added the fine print that ensured payment for the privilege of keeping an ambassador in the city.

Two important changes have occurred as a re- sult of this element of the Pact:

  • The deception involving Aaron Strachan fostered by Furyondy (FFF, p.8) has been abandoned. It is not credible that such an old fool would be the ambassador of this major power. "Aaron" was simply shipped out one day, and Elskan Samarade reverted to his true identity.
  • A number of new ambassadors have arrived in the Free City. These are: Almerin Skiari, Ambassador of Keoland; Parras Haddaraith, Ambassador of Veluna; Delmanarah Efrine, Ambassador of the County of Urnst; Sir Ranald Immanen, Ambassador of Nyrond; Count Kyrine Nauxanth, Ambassador of Aerdi; Pyremiel Alaxane, Ambassador of Iuz; and Elder Brother Ghrigiel, Ambassador of the Scarlet Brotherhood. All these new folks are detailed in the Heroes and Villains section of this book, where their political schemings are also unfolded.


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