The Power of Graz'zt Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Power of Graz'zt

Graz'zt rules an Abyssal realm called Azzagrat, which spans three layers of that demoniac plane (the 45th, 46th, and 47th). The layers are connected by the deadly River of Salt and a variety of portals, some hidden in groves of viper trees and others in ovens of green fire.   Although he has not yet achieved divine status, Graz'zt is worshiped by many monstrous races, most notably lamias. Many of his high priests, known as the Chosen, are female, and the rituals they perform are violent and involve themes of darkness and betrayal.   Some sources claim that Graz'zt was the creator of the Vasharans, a breed compared to humans as the drow are compared to elves. Deemed cruel and soulless by the gods who created him, the Vasharans' Adam-like ancestor was destroyed. But Graz'zt breathed new life into the corpse, long before he attained his present status. It is a terrifying legacy, for the Vasharans are obsessed with deicide, and destroying all gods has become the reason for their existence.


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