The Power of Saint Cuthbert Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil

The Power of Saint Cuthbert

When they shed their mortal coils, those who worshiped the Saint in life go to Saint Cuthbert's divine realm, called the Basilica of Saint Cuthbert or the Bastion of Law. This realm is in Arcadia. Souls there act as silent observers while the saint gives out judgments from his Seat of Truth. Saint Cuthbert seldom leaves his plane unless some great duty calls him forth.   Cuthbertines (that is, worshipers of Saint Cuthbert) are most prevalent in the central Flanaess. The Saint has churches in Dyvers, Furyondy, the Gran March, the Free City of Greyhawk, Keoland, Perrenland, the Shield Lands, Tenh, the Principality of Ulek, the County of Urnst, the Duchy of Urnst, Veluna, and Verbobonc. On other planes, Saint Cuthbert is the most favored god of the Harmonium faction, who appreciate the god's uncompromising nature. The current leader of the faction, Faith, is a cleric of Saint Cuthbert.   L'Ordre de la Croix-Rose Veritas, also known as the Order of the Rosy Cross of Truth or the Order of the Rosy Cruciform, was founded in 587 CY, after the Greyhawk Wars. It was founded by Ormus, a former priest of Rao, recently converted to Saint Cuthbert's faith. When Ormus discovered an evil warlord had been corrupted by a devil in disguise, he founded the new order to track down other devils living among mortals in disguise. The order has three branches: La Croix-Vert (the priestly branch), La Croix-Blanc (the military branch), and La Croix-Bleu (wizardly/arcane branch). There is also a clandestine, undisclosed branch known as La Coix-Noir (the rogue/thief secret strike force.) The order is based at l’Abbaye de la Croix Glorieuse in the Vesve Forest. The order enlarged and strengthened a great deal from 587 - 591 CY and began to expand into Gran March, the Principality of Ulek and County of Ulek, as well as the Duchy of Urnst and County of Urnst. The Society of the Sanctified Mind focuses on ridding the world of evil psionicists. It was founded c.565 CY ("thirty years ago" before publication in 595) by a cleric of Saint Cuthbert named Sir Jeremy Costineux, after his home village was enslaved by illithids. This society is a knightly order rather than a strictly religious one, and people of a wide variety of character classes belong to it. Rituals


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