The Rhennee

First, the Rhennee barge folk are regarded with increasing suspicion by most Greyhawkers. It is widely believed that at least some of them are in league with Iuz, act as spies within the city, and attack shipping on the Nyr Dyv with the aid of vessels Iuz has captured from ‘the Shield Lands. There is some truth in all this.

It is also true that some Rhennee travel to Admundfort in order to trade with Iuz; this isn’t illegal, but it creates distrust among others.

In the River Quarter in particular, fights frequently break out between Rhennee and other folk; these fights are more serious than before the war. Bodies with daggers in their backs are frequently fished out of the Selintan these days. City watches do not enter the River Quarter unless they are at least a dozen strong.

The Rhennee themselves have become more insular and distrustful. They are themselves divided between those who are happy to accept Iuz’s coin and those who are not, but their clannishness and anger at attacks upon them by outsiders maintain group cohesion. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the Rhennee are responsible for so much of the water trade upon the Nyr Dyv that they have to be tolerated by the authorities, who cannot act against them even if they wished to mount a clampdown.


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