The Rhennee in Greyhawk

In the city, the Rhennee usually live onboard their barges, conducting business (trading and selling) in the nearby wharf area adjacent to the River Quarter. However. groups of Rhennee also can be encountered in the Shack Town north of the city, and throughout the Old City. These groups will almost always (90%) consist of 7-12 (1d6 +6) males, but there is a 10% chance that a wise woman, with 1-2 younger females and 7-12 males, is present. If the group has a wise woman, she will be telling fortunes and performing similar services, charging a little copper or silver according to what she sees as the customer's ability to pay. Rhennee males may visit taverns all over the Old City, but usually remain within the River Quarter. The River Rat (location R7) is an inn well known for catering to Rhennee, as is the Green Dragon Inn (location R2).

In Greyhawk, the Rhennee are very careful about using their thieving skills. They very rarely pick the pockets of native Greyhawkers, or burgle them. They know the importance of not angering the people who live in places where they ply much of their trade. However, they are nowhere near so scrupulous when it comes to foreigners in Greyhawk. They will appear to be friendly and helpful, but will scheme, cheat and lie as It suits them. Local thieves and ne'er-do-wells leave the Rhennee alone, knowing that stealing from, or assaulting, one of them will ensure that a large group will come looking for the culprit, and with their thieving skills and powers of persuasion they will usually find whom they are looking for.

However, the Rhennee are always ready to smuggle people into Greyhawk who want to enter unheralded, and this has led some of the more unscrupulous Rhennee into dangerous territories at times. Spies from the Horned Society, Bandit Kingdom spies who have come to deal with Sental Nurev (see Chapter 2), and all other types of people inimical to the well-being of Greyhawk have been ferried into the city by Rhennee bargefolk at one time or another. Conversely, the Rhennee's willingness to ferry anyone in or out may be useful to PCs who need to exit Greyhawk in a hurry.

There is one notably bad apple amongst the Rhennee-Zoran Sarraith, a noble who is in the pay of the cult of the Shriven Sickle (detailed later in this chap ter). Zoran makes regular trips with his large two-masted barge, the Dyvwraith, to sheltered bays on the coast of the conquered Shield Lands, and then ferries information, weapons, magic, and money from there to his contact, Pietain Morvannis. Zoran is also a regular visitor to Willip and other Furyondian ports, where he quietly seeks out good priests and paadins (notably Knights of the Holy Shielding) for passage to Greyhawk. He then reports to Pietain about these passengers and their conversations aboard his vessel, and directs the good folk to hostelries where the Shriven Sickle will attempt assaults and assassinations on them later, after maintaining a surveillance operation. Zoran is paid a bounty for his work in tipping off the evil priests in this way.


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