The Royal Opera House

The title "Royal" is only honorific; there has never been a royal ruler of Greyhawk city, but the name dates to the time of Zagig, who appreciated the joke. Now this magnificent building (location H8) is in a state of poor repair due to the immense cost of maintaining it, and regular appeals are made to the people of Greyhawk to donate funds for its repair. Liveried attendants with collecting boxes are usually present, going through the aisles before performances and lurking in the lounges to which patrons retire for refreshment between acts.

Partly in response to the need for funds, the Director, Amadeus Wolfzart, has introduced theatrical events in the afternoons which are typified by cheap sensationalism, often featuring screaming, brainless heroines in scanty clothing being rescued from equally stupid (and often monstrous) villains by extremely improbable heroes. This has certainly started the money rolling in, but Amadeus has to put up with the scorn of Kahari Kellainen, who scathingly refers to the "silver dreadfuls" (cost of admission to these productions is 2 to 8 sp) and hints that if the Royal Opera was honestly and competently run it would not need to so debase itself. There is now intense antipathy between the half-elf and his opposite number, and also between the staffs at the two establishments, which even breaks out into violence. Recently, operatic stage staff pelted the gnomes of the Grand with vegetables after taking more snobbish abuse than they could stomach. Definitely, this "play" will have a very long run.


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