The Scarlet Brotherhood in Greyhawk City

Ambassador Ghirigiel and his staff live in a rented house northwest  of the High Market, not  far from the Patrician’s Club (location H6). The  key members of this group are Ghrigiel himself, his trade attache Kerrick Endriasek (a 7th-level thief), clerical attache Ulrik Nessarien, and longtime agent Naas Sarainy Siobharek (originally detailed in FFF, p.82; he does not live in this abode). General, then specific details of how they operate are followed by profiles for major NPCs involved.

Obviously, Ghrigiel knows that the authorities in the Free City will watch him and his staff very closely given the Brotherhood’s reputation regarding agents and spies. Equally obviously, Ghrigiel expects that the Directors will be hunting for secret agents of the Brotherhood working away from his home and having only the most infrequent and secret contacts with him. Therefore, Ghrigiel has initiated a series of subversive actions by agents in the Free City which operate from beyond his residence’s limits, and which are directed away from the Brotherhood’s true goals and targets. However, these secondary activities are plausible enough in that, when discovered, the Directors can feel that they have rumbled the Brotherhood’s plans and can keep abreast of what Ghrigiel is up to. In a standard double-bluff, ‘Ghrigiel’s most im- portant agent is in fact Nessarien, who appears to be wholly incapable of this role.

Articles under The Scarlet Brotherhood in Greyhawk City


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