The Shady Dragon Inn

The Shady Dragon Tavern is where people of Leukish gather to swap yarns, chat with old friends, or make contacts. All classes and levels of people mingle freely, from novices to experts, and from fighters to halflings, from noble to common.   Sam Smallsole owns the Shady Dragon. He has two serving wenches, Gwynne Cutpurse and Ariadne. The cook is Friar Fergus and the ostler is Lachlan the Warrior. Friar Fergus lives in the Cook’s Bedroom across the hall from the Maid’s Bedroom where Gwynne and Ariadne sleep. Upstairs at the far east end of the building, Sam and Lachlan share a bedroom. During the day, Lachlan is outside, although he comes inside and sits at the table next to the bar when things are slow. Gwynne, Ariadne and Sam relieve Fergus when he is tired of cooking or has a day off. Sometimes Lachlan tends bar with Sam, and at night he serves as a bouncer if any problem comes up which Sam cannot handle alone. Ariadne, Gwynne and Sam sit at the small table by the bar (in the northeast corner) when business is slow.   A good meal at the tavern costs a silver piece. Ale, and beer cost 3 cp per mug; wine costs 10 cp per glass or 2 sp per bottle, of wine. All rooms are upstairs, and are rented on a basis of how many beds are in the room. A bed costs 3 sp per night, the entire room 12 sp. If the rooms are all taken, Sam will let guests sleep in the tavern for 10 cp. The rooms are clean; each bed has two blankets and a pillow. Each room also contains two benches. The doors lock from the inside, although Sam has key he can use in an emergency. Although a trusting soul, and one who always lends a helping hand to someone down on his luck, Sam likes payment in advance.


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