the Sunken Temple
Set Up
* The PCs are approached by a retired adventurer who has a "bona fide treasure map" for sale at the bargain price of 10 gp. The map shows the location of the en trance to a subterranean temple.
* While the PCs are traveling in the wilderness, an aged hermit offers to show them the entrance to a long-forgotten subterranean temple.
In both cases above, the retired adventurer or the hermit has been charmed by a spirit naga to lure low- to medium strength adventurer parties to the temple for it to sacrifice or feed upon.
The Lair
The temple should be located in a sub- tropical hilly region far from civilization. Tsitanya, the spirit naga, and its attendant group of yuan ti (halfbreeds with snake heads and tails) took up residence in the sunken temple two years ago. Long deserted by its original occupants and partially flooded, Tsitanya has now established its own ceremonies and rituals to Beltar in the old temple. The naga's charmed agents ensure that it has a plentiful supply of food and sacrifices, and it also benefits from the sale of surplus magical items to represe native's of the local humanoid tribes who dare to visit its lair.
Tsitanya, Spirit Naga: AC 4; MV 12; HD 10; hp 64; THAC0 11; #AT l; Dmg 1d3 + special; SA poison bite, permanent charm ability, spell use; SD spell use; lnt Very; AL CE; SZ L (15' long XP 8,000;
Spells: Wizard: magic missile, grease, ventriloquism, invisibility, mirror image, lightning bolt; Priest: protection from good, cause fear, dust devil.
Tsitanya lurks among the pillars in the upper half of the temple and wherever possible avoids being seen by the PCs, making the most of available cover and the darkness beyond the PCs' light sources. Tsitanya has three ioun stones. The pearly white stone enables it to regenerate 1 hp of damage/tum, the pale lavender stone absorbs spells up to 4th level (16 more levels of spells can be absorbed before the stone bums out), and the vibrant purple stone stores the following spells: protection from normal missiles, invisibility ( x 2), darkness 15' radius, hold portal. Unfortunately (or fortunately for the PCs) there aren't too many magical items suitable for use by serpent-bodied monstrosities with no arms or legs.
Yuan ti halfbreeds (8): AC 4/0; MV 9, Sw 18: HD 8: hp 50 each; #AT 1 and 2; Dmg 1d8 (scimitar), 1d10 (bite), 1d4 (constriction ). SA constriction; Int Genius; AL CE; SZ M; XP 2,000 each
All of the yuan ti adopt the same tactics while the PCs approach the main area of the temple. They refrain from mounting any all-out attacks on full-strength PC groups, preferring to gang up on individual PCs. They specifically pick on any PCs that venture away from the main party, especially spellcasters and elves.
They try to remain submerged at all times, only bursting from the water to attack for a single round before disappearing again beneath the waters and swimming away, ready for another attack. When attacking they strike first with their scimitars and then try to bite with their fangs.
When numbers and opportunity permit, they launch a series of concentrated attacks with pairs of yuan ti making lightning strikes alternately against different parts of the PCs' lineup.
Terrain: Hills
Total Party Levels: 42 (Average 7th)
Total gp: 5,015
Monster XP: 25,800
Exploring the Temple
Much of the temple complex is now under water. Except where indicated, the water should be assumed to be chest high on the average human (but over the head of dwarves and other diminutive demihumans). DMs should take note of the rules for fighting in water in the Wilderness Survival Guide (page 85). but the listed penalties do not apply to the yuan ti, who are equally at home in water or on land. In addition, when necessary, DMs should also refer to the rules on swimming, pages 12 and 13 in the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide.
The temple is located at the far end of a narrow gorge. The gorge is thick with vegetation. There is a clearly defined track running up to a cleft in the rock face at the end of the gorge. This cleft in tum leads into a large cave.
Area 1. The Cave: The cave is partly submerged. The waters of this underground lake lap gently against a small shingle beach that extends partway down the southern wall of the cave. The walls of the cave are thick with moss and peculiar types of fungi. Several large rocks jut from the waters of the lake. From the beach the bottom of the cave slopes away fairly sharply so that the average depth of water is about five feet near the center. At the far end of the cave an ornately carved archway leads onto a 15-foot-wide corridor.
Lurking behind one of the large rocks (marked "X" on the map) are three of the naga's yuan ti minions. When the PCs enter the cave, the yuan ti duck out of sight into the water; two remain in the cave to harass the PCs as they enter the water, while the third goes to alert the other yuan ti and Tsitanya that a band of adventurers is entering the temple.
The yuan ti do not press their attacks in the cave: they are, after all, at a disadvantage here in the cave against a band of fresh adventurers. They make a single attack (unless good opportunities present themselves, such as the PCs splitting up to search the cave) and then follow the party at a discreet distance attacking the party once again, this time from the rear as the party approaches area 2.
Area 2. The Tower: This room once had three wooden floors supported by stone beams and pillars. The wooden floors have long since rotted away and only the beams and pillars remain (see side view on map).
The water here is some 25 feet deep, which may come as somewhat of a shock to the PC who steps into the room without suitable precautions! There appears to be no exit from the room at surface level; the doorway that leads farther into the temple complex lies some ten feet underwater. Two yuan ti lurk in the water here waiting for the opportunity to launch surprise attacks: For example, if a PC falls into the water, they grapple him, biting with their fangs and attempting to drag him to the bottom of the chamber. Or they attack PCs who attempt to climb the pillars. or PCs who dive to find the exit.
If the two yuan ti from the cave are still alive, they try to join up with the two in this room or, if a hapless PC does indeed fall into the deep water, they attack the rear of the party so as to cause confusion while the PCs try to mount a rescue operation.
A small flock of stirges roosts in the eaves of this chamber. They do not attack unless the PCs approach their roost (i.e., climb onto the top beams) or if there is considerable commotion (such as combat and excessive thrashing about in the water) in the chamber below.
Stirges (15): AC 8; MV 3, Fl 18 (B HD 1+ 1; hp 6 each; #AT 1; Dmg 1d3: SA blood drain; Int Animal; AL N: SZ S; XP 120 each
While there are numerous skeletons and rusted weapons and armor at the bottom of the chamber, the yuan ti, at Tsitanya's insistence, have scrupulously stripped these unfortunates for magical items or items of any value.
Area 3. Rockfall: Here the ceiling has collapsed and great slabs of masonry partially block the corridor. A three-foot wide gap runs between the rockfall and the wall of the corridor. Two yuan ti lie submerged at the far end of the rockfall waiting for the first PC to venture through the narrow gap. If any of the yuan ti from areas 1 and 2 still survive, they attack the rearmost PC as he enters the gap. Ideally the PCs should be trapped in the narrow gap with only the first and last PC in any position to fight back. If the yuan ti take any significant damage here they slip back underwater and gather their strength for the final confrontation in the temple (Area 4).
Area 4. The Temple: This is a very large chamber constructed in two tiers. The lower tier is submerged beneath five feet of water. Steps lead up from this level to the upper tier. which is some ten feet above the surface of the water.
The stone columns that fill this chamber are carved with pictograms and hieroglyphics depicting the founding and consecration of the temple and the complete myths and teachings of Lendor, god of time.
Two yuan ti lurk in the waters of the lower tier (and they are joined. as opportunity presents, by any of the surviving yuan ti from previous encounters). One of the yuan ti is equipped with a net of entrapment. This yuan ti hurls the net to entrap as many of the PCs as possible, at which point one yuan ti for each trapped PC attempts to grab hold of the net and drag the trapped PCs under water.
The remaining yuan ti (if any) then launch a concentrated assault on any remaining PCs. They are not suicidal, however, and break off any attacks that they appear to be losing. Remember that Tsitanya wants at least some of the PCs to survive.
Tsitanya, meanwhile, lurks behind the pillars on the upper tier. When the PCs enter the chamber, it casts protection from good, protection from normal missiles. and invisibility on itself. Then it tries to maneuver into the best position to cast lightning bolt, ideally at spellcasters or elves, although fighter types who get too close will do. Once the lightning bolt is loosed, it again casts invisibility on itself and maneuver to a new position.
Tsitanya casts grease on the tier when any PC reaches the upper tier and is close enough to the edge to slip back into the water of the lower tier (at which point the PC is attacked by any available yuan ti). If the PCs get close enough for actual combat, it casts mirror image. It really wants to charm as many PCs as possible (but it won't bother trying to charm elves, however).
If the fight seems to be going badly, Tsitanya retreats to the sanctuary (Area 5), casts hold portal on the door to buy some time, and consumes one of the healing potions stored there before making a final desperate stand. It expects no mercy from the PCs and grants no quarter.
Area 5. The Sanctuary: This is Tsitanya 's treasure room and last refuge. Tsitanya's treasure lies strewn about the room: the treasure trove amounts to 220 pp, 1, 750 gp, 1,200 ep, 5,400 sp, and 7,500 cp in coins, seven gems (an aquamarine and a violet garnet worth 500 gp each, three amethysts worth 100 gp each, and three moonstones worth 50 gp each), two potions of healing, a scroll of protection from petrification, a wand of metal and mineral detection, a pair of gauntlets of dexterity, and a short sword of quickness, together with a large as sortment of mundane adventuring equipment and weaponry.