The Torch of Anazander

What has been learned about this magical item so far is as follows. It was once possessed by a great paladin hero, Anazander, an inveterate traveler to other planes and slayer of evil creatures of all sorts. While Anazander is known to have possessed a bastard sword + 5, holy avenger, it is also known that he regarded the torch as his greatest weapon. Only a fighter or priest of lawful good alignment may bring the magic of the Torch into play. In Nastassia's hand, the Torch has the following powers:

1. lt can duplicate the effect of a phylactery of faithfulness.

2. It grants a +4 bonus to saving throws against all spells or spell-like effects which affect the mind.

3. It enables the holder to cast cure light wounds on touch for up to 4 creatures or characters of good alignment, once per day, but no more than one application per character or creature.

4. It enables the holder to cast continual light once per day in a 30-foot radius.

5. It enables the holder to cast strength upon up to 2 creatures or characters of lawful good alignment each day, the effect lasting for 18 hours.

Knowledge of the final power was only gained when Nastassia achieved her current level of experience as a fighter. Magical scrying has revealed that, as a lawful good fighter or priest gains expenence levels, further powers of the Torch become usable, but it is not known what these may be.

Nastassia carries the Torch whenever the group goes on an adventure, although it is regarded as a party treasure, for all believe that the effects it currently creates and may create in the future are for the benefit of all, and at the end of the fight with the daemon every one of the group stood one blow from death. This experience, and the possession of this item, have brought the five adventurers very close together, and it seems certain that they will be lifelong friends. They all trust each other totally, even with their lives, for in their final shoulder-to-shoulder battle before gaining the Torch, none flinched or sought to preserve his or her own life at the expense of their fellows.

With the wealth obtained from this expedition, Kiri and Marie purchased the modest town house they share. Geren gave his funds to the followers of Ehlonna. Fischer invested his slice in the locksmith's shop ("You can't steal an entire shop", he points out), and Nastassia donated most of hers to the temple of Rao and made offerings to Wee Jas. Sufficient funds have been retained for the purposes of insurance, although property might have to be sold if a very costly spell is needed.

In addition to the powers listed for this artifact in FFF DO. 71-72. Nastassia is able to use additional powers as follows.

Once per day, the torch can launch a spray of 2d4 + 2 magic missles, each inflicting 1d4 +1 points of damage, against any one undead creature or creature of chaotic evil alignment. This power manifested when Nastassia attained 5th level of experience as a warrior.

Once per day, the torch can create a flame strike with maximum range of 100 yards. Any evil creature caught within the area of effect has a -3 penalty to its saving throw. This power manifested when Nastassia attained 8th experience level.

Due to the war years, the Fellowship has not been able to learn much more of Anazander himself, except that he was a Suel follower of Heironeous-a true rarity, since Heironeous is not a Suloise Power.


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