The Upper Level of the Redoubt-East Wing - Above Area 24

The stairs leading upward from the practice room give entrance to a hallway running the length of this wing of the Redoubt. That corridor in turn leads to ten separate bedrooms, each good-sized, and a much larger gathering room. Tucked away in the back is a small ser vants' quarters, with a kitchen.

The bedrooms are the living quarters of the Special Patrol Group, a reserve branch of the Watch used only in times of dire need. The bedrooms belong to the six sergeants-at-arms, two Deputy Constables, and the cleric (level 5-8) and mage (level 5-8) currently on duty with this group.

Each bedroom is quite first class in appointment, with feather pillows, silk sheets, down mattresses, and the like. Each has a mirror and an assortment of woven and fur rugs on the floor.

The members of the SPG rotate each fortnight, and are selected from among the best of their respective fields. The duty is easy and the pay is good, so they make little complaint.

ln addition to the possessions provided for each NPC (see Ch2 FFF for more details) each member of the SPG has 2d10 -10 gp with him. About 90% of it is stored in a locked location in each member's room.

The central meeting room for the SPG is as luxurious as any gentlemen's club of the High Quarter. There are gaming tables, soft divans, expensive rugs, and a huge fireplace with a massive hornwood mantle. carved in exquisite detail and depicting numerous hunting scenes.

A comfortable dining table, with silver and crystal service, takes up a good portion of the room. A bar, stocked with plenty of everything, fills the other corner. The members of the SPG spend most of their time in here, gambling, reading, conversing, and drinking.

They are called forth an average of once every six weeks, on the authority of the Captain General, Lord Mayor, or (rarely) on the initiative of one of the members of the SPG. The group only acts on its own in an emergency situation, when presented with information from a source of proven trustworthiness.


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