The Velunese Lights

This unique and wondrous feature is not a location or settlement and is not shown on the map. They are lights which manifest only in the Gold County, at wholly unpredictable locations and times. They are referred to as Velunese lights because they were first sighted east of Devarnish in 516 CY. The Velunese Lights have the appearance of will-o-wisps. The lights cover a radius of some 40 feet and radiate magic and good. They travel erratically, at speeds ranging from 60 to 360 feet per round. Occasionally, the lights pause, almost always if a paladin or priest of lawful good faith approaches them. Such a character, if he stands quietly within the lights for six rounds, gains the benefits of a personal prayer spell for 1d4 days. A handful of especially faithful lawful good priests and paladins have reported more dramatic effects such as strength raised by ld6 points for 2d10 days; immunity to magical alignment change for ld4 months, and the like. It has become a tradition that those gaining such benefits should make a small donation to a temple of lawful good as soon as possible after being blessed.

The lights themselves cannot be harmed (except by a Mordenkainen’s disjunction which would destroy them on a roll of 14 or higher on d20) and retreat rapidly from any evil beings or those seeking to attack them. Who may have created them, and for what purpose, is not known.


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