The World of Oerth

The world on which the City of Greyhawk stands has not been extensively explored. The majority of the world hasn't been visited at all by adventurers from the Flanaess, and what little broad knowledge exists is superficial and misleading. Several reasonably accurate descriptions of the world follow, from the accounts of learned ones.

Accurate positions on all maps of lands on Oerth are described by means of latitude and longitude. Mathematics, astrology, and wizardry have allowed us to locate our position relative to the equator with considerable precision on navigational charts. Our present system of establishing longitude and latitude is founded on the work of the Great Kingdom’s Royal Guild of Navigators, which existed for only a century and a half until it fell victim to the political horrors of the Turmoil Between Crowns. Rauxes marks the point of zero degrees longitude, from which locations east and west are measured; we retain it as our base of reference to honor the grand achievements of our forerunners, not the debased Overking who had them slain. Rauxes also lies at almost exactly 30 degrees north latitude, and a blue obelisk was raised at the site north of Rauxes where 30 degrees north latitude, 0 degrees east longitude exists. The City of Greyhawk thus lies at almost exactly 36 1/4 degrees north latitude, 17 1/2 degrees west longitude.

The knowledge to divine such measurements was hard-won over many centuries by mariner lords and merchant princes, by common sailors and high military officers. The combined clergy of our Great Patron, Xerbo, Protector of the Seas and All Dwellers Within, and the esteemed goddess Osprem, who guides sailors to safety across-the waves, were in the forefront of this investigation every step of the way. How this was done ts the subject of my next lecture... .

— Talrand Quehris Patriarch of Xerbo, Free City of Greyhawk from a speech to apprentices at the Guild of Cartographers

From Adventure Begins


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