Theology of 'Religion'

Attributes: .................Intellect & Discipline

Level: .........................DF 4; BCS 30%; 600 Exp

This skill involves the study of the scriptures, history and general rites within a religion. It gives in depth knowledge of a particular religion, knowledge of the organisation of the religion, is various levels of priesthood. It provides knowledge of the various writings which pertain to that religion, detailed knowledge of the daily rituals, clothing to wear, items to use, when and how feast days should be celebrated and other related topics.

This skill should be learnt for each religion a character wishes to understand in depth. Theology is used whenever a character wishes to debate religion. A successful Theology skill roll gives a bonus of +10% to the TSC% (+20% on Crit 10) to any Charismatic skill check involving religious matters. Theology is also used whenever performing any religious rites and ceremonies and performing Acts of Faith.

A character choosing a priestly vocation also has the option to further specialise by initially spending an additional 500 Exp on any one of the following and then an extra 100 Exp per level in Theology skill gained thereafter:

Liturgy: Specialised knowledge of the rites required for communal worship. The character gains a bonus of +1% per level in Theology to belief rolls of Believers participating in such rites presided over by the character. He also gains +1 to the Crit Die.

Scripture: Specialised knowledge of the writings of the religion. The character gains +1 to the Crit Die when quoting scripture in debate.

Canon: Specialised knowledge of the code of laws of a particular religion. If an individual is tried under religious law, a character can substitute Theology for Law when he is acting as prosecutor or defender and gains a bonus of +2% per level to his TSC% when making his case.


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