
Lack of water has a much swifter effect than lack of food. Morale effects are the same as with starvation; when attrition occurs, roll 1d4 for each figure in the defending garrison. For the following table, Day 1 is again the first day that the garrison has run out of water.

Day Effect
1 Decrease morale by 2
3 Automatic morale check (no option for retreat)
4 Attrition occurs
5 Decrease morale by 1
6 Automatic morale check
7 Attrition occurs
8 Decrease morale by 1
9 Attrition occurs; automatic morale check
10 Decrease morale by 1
11 Attrition occurs; automatic morale check

On day 12, all units still in good order automatically become shaken, and can no longer be rallied. Attrition occurs every second day (on days 13, 15, 17, 19, etc.) until the garrison surrenders or is totally eliminated.

In terms of game mechanics, assume that morale effects and attrition occur at sundown on the day in question.

Certain creatures are more affected by water loss (lizard men, for example). For troops of this type, roll 1d6 per figure for attrition, rather than 1d4. Truly amphibian creatures such as bullywugs or grung are affected even more; roll 1d8 per figure for these troop types.

For desert-dwelling creatures, decrease all hits from thirst attrition by 25%. Undead and elemental creatures are not affected by thirst, and so are immune to attrition.


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