Thonians Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil


Thonians are the everyday citizens in Blackmoor and its surrounding vicinity. The noble caste rules them, and many take jobs as servants in High Thonian houses. Many long for better lives and strive to fi nd wealth and power. Personality: Thonians are very much normal humans. They are well-tempered but sometimes show disdain for their lot in life. Thonians do not share in the privilege or money that they see all around them. Thonians also are angered that they cannot join the nobility, regardless of their fi nancial status, without a direct appointment from the king. The are family-loving people who try to better themselves. Physical Description: Thonians stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh 125 to 250 pounds, with men noticeably taller and heavier than women. Their skin is dark, and their hair is black or brown. Thonians do not share the longevity of their High Thonian rulers. They achieve adulthood at age 16 and typically live into their 70s. Alignment: Thonians tend toward no specifi c alignment. They are generally good people, but many among them seek wealth at the expense of others. Relations: Thonians stay at home and only have exposure to other cultures in their town centers. They stay away from strangers but are happy to peddle wares and offer lodging to travelers who do not appear dangerous.
Religion: Thonians do not have a unique deity of their own. They are a spiritual people but worship a host of gods that serve their interests and requirements.
Language: Thonians speak Common. They may also speak the languages of races that frequent the city of Blackmoor. Names: Thonians have given names as well as family names. Male Names: Abeel, Aslu, Bellow, Braddle, Dengle, Freg, Mandle, Nall, Karn, Sted, Sliw, Tray, Yest. Female Names: Awna, Avell, Bimber, Cliel, Follae, Glinda, Liveer, Meala, Nona, Patrice, Robin, Shyla. Family Names: Cork, Dable, Fogle, Grainger, Mason, Oland, Patro, Quig, Ramble, Sallo, Shew, Trader, Veel, Winslo. Adventurers: Thonians will often adventure in an effort to earn money or to attain positions of power. A Thonian often seeks dangerous missions that may lead him out of a common life and into riches and fame


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